Chapter 7: Just...Wow

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 Percy POV:

Darkness. It was everywhere, all-encompassing, pressing on me, blinding me. It drank my fear, reveled in my despair. I would never escape. Then the screams began. "N-No," I whimpered. I knew that voice anywhere–Annabeth. "Take me! Take me instead!" I shrieked, desperate. Annabeth just screamed louder. I began looking for her blindly, sobbing because whenever I felt like I was close, I would become adrift in the darkness once more. Then Tartarus laughed; everything shook. And the torture began.

 Suddenly I was in the Phlegethon again, the fire burning me. As quickly as the fire had come, it left. Now I was holding the world on my shoulders, enduring Atlas' curse. Next came The Cocytus River. I could feel the sorrow and misery of the bitter souls. They were urging me to succumb, attacking me, pulling me into an abyss. Over and over, I experienced different tortures, and all the while I could hear Tartarus laughing.

Finally, Tartarus was there, in his physical form in front of me. He was raising his sword, plunging it down–

I awoke in front of Harry, his neck in my hands, choking him. 

Harry POV:

Great. Not only do we have to bring Percy to our trip to Diagon Alley, I also have to wake him up now too. Why couldn't someone else just do it? Annoyed, I made my way up to the room Percy was sleeping in. I opened the door to find Percy thrashing in his bed, mumbling things. I walked up to him, shaking him. He didn't wake. Then I had a better idea. I ran to the bathroom quickly to get a bucket of water. I poured it over him. Huh, it didn't wake him. If anything, it seemed to soothe him. I leaned in closer to him, so I could hear what he was mumbling about. Probably about what he was going to wear to school; he's had such a sheltered life.

 Suddenly, he grabbed my neck; he was choking me while he was asleep! I tried to get him to release his grip but it was completely unbreakable. Thankfully, he woke up, and he released me. "What the bloody hell was that?" I asked him. "I don't know, sorry," he said pulling a hand through his hair; he seemed pretty shaken. "Yeah, okay," I replied tempestuously, I sort of felt bad for the guy, it must've been a really bad dream. "Listen, we're going to Diagon Alley, you know, the place Mrs. Weasley was telling you about yesterday, to get our stuff for school. You're supposed to be coming with us. Get ready, okay? We're leaving in ten minutes." "Sure," he said, seeming distracted. And with that, I left. 

Hermione POV:

"Wait, so you're saying he grabbed your neck while he was asleep?" "Yes," Harry sighed, annoyed, "I've already said this like a hundred times already Hermione." "Okay," I said, "I'll give you that. Something's definitely going on. He's hiding something. But seriously, I'm pretty sure his secret isn't that he's a death eater." "Actually," Harry said, "I think you're right." I said. "Harry," I began, "you shouldn't be judging–" I stopped. "Wait, did you say that you agree with me?" "I did," Harry said. "I think you're right. He's hiding something and its not being a death eater. I want to find out what it is though. Will you help?" "Yes." I replied. We shook on it.

Percy POV:

I came downstairs to the living room with Ron, who happened to leave his room at the same time as me. He looked at me distastefully before walking over to where Hermione and Harry sat. I sat down next to Mrs. Weasley; she was one of the few people who had treated me kindly during my stay here. She kind of reminded him of his own mother. She even made his dinner blue last night upon his request. 

Now she was explaining floo powder and how it works. I tried to listen, I really did. It was just that her explanation was so long . Finally, realizing my inability to listen to what she was saying, she stood up and told everyone it was time to go. "Percy dear, just watch everyone else," she said. "Sorry Mrs. Weasley, I said. I have ADHD." She just nodded her head and told the others to hurry up. "No acceptance letter because you already told Dumbledore you were coming. You get this, however." she said handing me a list of what I recognized as school supplies based on what Dumbledore told me when he first time he explained the wizarding world to me. I looked it over again. These are some pretty weird things.

Fifth year students will require:


Three Sets of Plain Work Robes (Black)

One Plain Pointed Hat (Black) for day wear

One Pair of Protective Gloves (dragon hide or similar)

One Winter Cloak (Black, silver fastenings)

Please note that all student's clothes should carry name-tags at all times.


The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 5 by Miranda Goshawk

Defensive Magical Theory by Wilbert Slinkhard

A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot

Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling

One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore

Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander

Other Equipment

1 Wand

1 Cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)

1 set of glass or crystal phials

1 telescope

1 set of brass scales

Students may also bring an Owl, a Cat or a Toad.[1]

After completely looking over my list, which I had to say was pretty hard with my dyslexia, I realized everyone except Mrs. Weasley was gone. She put some powder in my hands, and told me to say Diagon Alley when I threw it into the fire. Suddenly, I was next to Harry in a very strange place. Scratch that. I was in a very AWESOME place. People were walking around, doing magic everywhere; there were stores filled with all kinds of things. There was even blue chocolate that hopped around! This place is amazing.  Harry noticed my stunned expression and smiled a little. "I know," he said. "This–this is amazing," I stuttered, unable to find any other words.

Suddenly, Mrs. Weasley appeared. "Come along now," she said, "we need go to Gringotts first." I followed her almost skipping. I couldn't wait to see more.

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