Chapter 34: Let The Game Begin

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Caught up in my thoughts, I hadn't really paid any attention to where I'd been going, letting my subconsciousness take over as I walked aimlessly. But now, surveying the seemingly still water beneath me, I let the tightness that had been building in my chest release. And then I dove.

Percy POV

The water of the lake was a cool against the heat of my skin, relaxing me in a way that only being in my father's element could.

It was getting dark outside now, but thanks to Chaos, I had no problem navigating the waters. It was strange: I couldn't necessarily see. Instead, I was able to stretch a shadow of myself to survey everything around me. If anything, it was better than seeing.

Without my weaker eyes distracting me, this ability allowed me to notice the small details around me: the last glimmers of sunlight as they glinted off of small particles in water, a tiny hermit crab walking around on the ground far beneath me, a slight imperfection on a shell obscured by two rocks on either side.

I let myself relax as I swam around aimlesslessly for a little bit before running to a couple of strange glowing fish. I got the usual curiosity and Lord stuff, but just as they were leaving, one of them froze, as if in realization.

"You should be careful your highness," the fish warned. "There are merfolk here, but they are different from those under your father. They know nothing of the Greek world, and may be suspicous of you if they see you here."

I sighed. Of course.

"I suppose so," I conceded. "I'll leave soon."

The the whole group of fish released several bubbles, in what I assumed were the fish version of releasing a breath of relief. And with that, they all swam away, off to do gods know what glowing fish do at night – you know, when they're not talking to demigods.

But despite the warning, I decided, being my usual stupid Annabeth-less Percy, to stay a couple more minutes.

Why couldn't I have just listened to the fish?

The fish were right about both things: the merfolk were definitely suspicious of me, and were  obviously  not the same creatures that my father ruled over (and I'm not talking about their personalities, although that's probably true as well).

These creatures had greyish skin and long, tangled, dark green hair that floated around them as they flicked their silver tails. Their eyes were were yellow, along with their teeth, which resembled thick needles – larger at the root but thinner at the top.

We continued to study eachother – or well, I was studying them, they were probably wondering how many ways they were going to have to split the Percy snack – until one of them spoke up.

"Who are you, and how are you breathing underwater without signs of some sort of magic?"

I looked at the one who had spoken, weighing how much I should say.

I should probably just go with the truth. I doubt any wizards are going to start talking to these things.

The three of them closed in around me, forming a circle with their spears directed at me. "Speak!" the mer... uhh... man? ordered. Is that what I should call him? Seems pretty far fetched. Like seriously, do you rea– Whoops, I forgot about those spears for a hot second there. I should probably answer soon. 

"Umm... I'm Percy," I started awkwardly. "Or uh, Per–, actually. Never mind. Just Percy. That other name is only for people who want to kill me or eat me or... " My voice tried off as the merman... thing... growled again. I'm calling him grumpy.

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