k i s s

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It's probably been a week since Rose and Calum have spoken. Rose didn't know if Calum was hurt or if he didn't like her and pretended to like her. Either way, Rose was stressing out.

Calum was hurt. He wanted to speak to Rose badly but didn't know if she liked him anymore. He was confused and annoyed with himself.

Ian groaned, "Just fucking text her already!" He exclaimed. Ian was tired of seeing his friend stressed out.

"What..-what if she hates me?" Calum mumbled.

Ian wanted to scream at Calum but held it in. "Give me your phone," Ian demanded. Calum quickly shook his head 'no', pulling his phone out of Ian's reach.

Ian glared at him, as he leaped at Calum, forcing the phone out of his grip. Ian smirked as he realized there was no passcode. He went to Calum's messages and sent Rose a text. It was wrong of Ian to do that but he knew Calum wouldn't do anything.

'hey rose!' calum

Rose froze as she looked at the text message she just got seconds ago.

Slowly, she replied back.

'hey calum :).' rose

Rose sighed, was that too...formal?


Ian smirked as he shoved Cal's phone in his face. "See, you dumbass, she replied. She doesn't hate you."

A smile immediately its way to Calum's adorable face as he texted her back.

'wanna hangout? :) x' calum

Rose's heart beating fast, he wanted to hang out with her. Calm down, Rose.

'sure! where do you wanna go? x' rose

So, the two made a plan to meet up at the nearest coffee shop, the place where they met first and decided to hit it from there.

"Hi." Rose shyly greeted Calum.

Calum grinned, "Hey Rose." Calum greeted her with a smile of his own.

Rose's heart fluttered.

So, the two walked and talked about anything and everything.

Soon, it got dark out and it was time for the two to head home. Rose didn't want the day to end, she had an amazing day. Calum didn't want the day to end either, he had an amazing day too.

"So...do you wanna do this again sometimes?" Calum nervously said, rocking his feet back and forward.

Rose let a smile slip, "I'd love to."

Calum did the unthinkable and placed his lips on Rose's soft, kissable lips.

Calum had stolen Rose's first kiss and Rose couldn't be happier.

She didn't care if their relationship lasted or not for a long time, all she cared right now was the kiss she had with her first crush, Calum Bishop.


author's note: the end!

welp, this story had no plot to it, haha. i just wanted to write a cute short story. i hope it was okay :)

thank you for reading! comment and vote.

love you all, - may x

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