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It was the end of the day and Jack was on his way to his locker. Denny's "lunch buddies" were pretty cool, but Jack only really talked to Denny. He was still really shy. Plus, all the "lunch buddies" wanted to do was ask him about Ireland, which got tiring after awhile.

During his walk, Jack thought about what Denny had said in study hall. To him, Mark and his friends had seemed more like punky rebels than they did bullies.

Jack finally got to his locker. He unlocked the lock and swung open the door. The door slammed into something.

"Fuck!" A voice shouted from behind the door.

Jack pulled the door toward him. He was met with the same deep brown eyes that had sent shivers down his spine.

"I-i'm so s-sorry! I didn't do it on purpose!" Jack stuttered.

Mark's two friends, presumably Bob and Wade, took a step toward Jack. They were about to spring into attack when Mark held up his hand, stopping them in their tracks.

"It's alright. Accidents happen," Mark spoke in a deep, calming voice. His friends looked very confused, but they went along with it.

"You're new here, aren't ya?" Mark asked, his eyes never leaving Jack's.

Jack looked down, trying to hide the pink that was spreading across his face. "Yeah I did," he said in the best American accent he could. He hated his accent, especially in the U.S. His accent brought up a lot of questions and he hated answering the same questions over and over again.

"You got anywhere to be on Saturday?" Mark asked, taking Jack by surprise. I thought they bullied new kids Jack thought, starting to question his friend.

"No," Jack replied, trying to sound as cool as he could. If you can believe it, Jack was never was a popular kid in Ireland because of his reputation of being a quiet nerd. This is my chance! He thought, holding back his excitement.

"There's a corn maze nearby. Me and the guys were gonna hang there on Saturday if you wanna tag along," Mark said nonchalantly. "It's not a haunted maze."

Jack sighed in relief. He hated anything scary. "Sure. What time?" Jack asked.

"Meet us outside the school around seven," Mark told him.

"Ok! I gotta go, but I'll see ya around!" Jack told them as he shoved his books into his locker and turning toward the door.

"See ya around," Mark called after him.

Once the Irishman was out of earshot, Mark turned to his friends.

"What the hell was all of that?" Bob asked angrily.

"C'mon guys! Would I ever disappoint you?" Mark asked. A devilish smile spread across his face. "Rally up the rest of the boys. I've got a plan."

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