Chapter Eight: 6 months later

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Sabrina's POV

I woke up and the sun beamed on my face. I sat up and looked down at my tummy. It's humongous. These past six months were honestly refreshing and not stressful at all. I graduated high school with a GPA of 3.8 and I'm still searching for colleges. I didn't go to prom because hardly none of the dresses fitted me. I was still two months but I still didn't like it. If you weren't Counting I'm now 8 months pregnant. I sat up before I turned to my right and saw his curly hair. I played in it as he woke up.

"Good morning" I sang to him.

"Good morning" he said back in his sexy raspy voice. In less than a few seconds tiny footsteps came running towards my room. She busted though the room her wild and curly hair all over the place and jumped on the bed.

"Hey mommy Brina, Hey daddy" She cheesed greeting us

"Hey babygirl" we said in unison

"Harley, go brush your teeth" Bryson said dismissing her out the room.

Now I know what you're thinking . What ?!? You go with Bryson, and to answer you're question no. I do not go out with Bryson. He's asked plenty of times but I denied. Not because I'm not attracted to him or anything like that but I meant what I said that night to August. It's time for me to love me. Plus, I'm not 18 yet. But I will be in three days and I absolutely cannot wait !

"Okay daddy" she said walking out.

"C'mere" he said nodding his head over irecting me to come to him

I scooted closer but not too close

"C'mon Brina I won't bite you" he said chuckling. I got up and walked to his side of the bed and sat on his crotch. He rubbed on my ass before gently pushing my chin towards his and kissed me.

I know I said we don't go out, but that doesn't mean we don't have something going on.

"How'd you sleep babygirl ?" He asked me

"Ehh okay daddy" I responded

"Baby Bryson giving you a hard time ?" He asked as I chuckled. It's not his and it's not even a boy. Turns out August And I are having a little girl like he said.

"You mean baby Brina ? But yea, she can't stay still and it kept me up all night" I said running my hands threw my curls.

"It'll be okay, my little soldier" he said winking and kissing me again before sitting up. I got off him and went to brush my teeth. My morning sickness seemed to decease after finding out the gender. After brushing my teeth I made my way down to the kitchen. I started making breakfast while Harley was in the living room watching Doc Mcstuffins.  I made waffles, bacon, and toast. Bryson joined us after a while and we sat down prayed briefly before eating up. Bryson partly lives with me while his house is getting remodeled. It's actually almost done.

"What you doing today baby ?" I asked him. Yes we call each other pet names but we aren't together.

"Going to the studio but before I do Ms. Harley here, is going with her mom" he tol me

"YAYYYY!" Harley cheered. I slightly smiled.

"How bout you?" He shot back

"Well, glad you asked August and I are going crib shopping right after my doctors appointment." I said as he nodded. He doesn't have a problem with August being around me. One because he is the father of my child and two because we aren't together.

"I gotta get going though. I'll be home around 11, and Harley's spending the weekend." He told me getting up and getting Harley. I nodded and got up and began putting away the dishes and washing them. Half way through Bryson came down with Harley both of them fully dressed.

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