Chapter Fifteen : I hate you.

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August POV

I woke up as my vision was blurred. I rubbed my eyes and sat up and stretched. I looked around my surroundings and immediately knew I wasn't home. I looked and saw some dark-skin girl next to me. It all came back. I fucked that stripper Paradise yesterday. I face palmed myself feeling terrible. Not only did I just cheat on my fiancé and the love of my life with a stripper but also because my hangover was killing me physically. I became weak. I sighed heavily before getting up and gathering my clothing. I looked in my jeans for my phone and it was no where to be found. I cursed under my breath and realized I left it over Chris' house when I threw it and never picked it up.

"Goodmorning" The chick Paradise said in a sing-song tone

"Yo, let me see your phone" I said

"For?" She questioned

"Give me your fucking phone now!" I screamed.

Out of fear she handed me her phone and unlocked it. She wrapped herself in the blanket and looked at me confused. I ordered an Uber off her phone to Chris' house and it was 2 minutes away.

"Where do you think you're going?" She asked

"Bitch, shut the fuck up talking to me" I said angrily before the bell went off indicating my ride was here.

I exited her bedroom and then apartment. I walked outside and got in the car. I shook violently with anger. I was angry at myself and angry that I allowed myself to go there again. We were doing so good too. The ride to Chris' house was a lot shorter than I expected. I dapped the Uber driver and got out seeing my car in his driveway. I knocked on the door and Jordyn answered. She shook her head and let me in. I walked into the sunroom and saw my phone in the corner where I had dropped it along with my keys. I grabbed my stuff and went in my car before checking my many notifications. It was 9:35AM and I noticed my instagram was blowing off the hook from 9 hours ago and my name was trending on Twitter. I checked the notification from the shade room and saw Paradise had posted a video of me sleeping. My jaw dropped and I saw the highlighted comment.

@biggbriii - 💔..

I slammed my fist into my steering wheel as I huffed and puffed and cried. This has to be some type of nightmare. I just wanna wake up right now. I pulled myself together and quickly made my way to Sabrina's house.

Sabrina POV

I woke up to Noel's crying. I checked the time and it read '7:45 AM' . I slugged out of bed barely able to see because of the puffiness of my eyes. I changed Noel and fed her before putting her back down. I dragged myself back to my room and curled up in a ball feeling heart break a little more. I feel worse than any other time August cheated on me. The difference with this time is we aren't in high school anymore. We aren't fuck buddies anymore. He has built a name for himself. We have a child now. We are, well were, engaged. I stared at the beautiful diamond ring on my nightstand. I grabbed it and looked at it shine. I wiped my tears and got up. I grabbed some black leggings, a black tank top and some vans. I pulled my hair back into a low bun. I grabbed some shades and dressed Noel. I put her in her stroller and left the house before locking and securing the house. I walked about a mile until I reached a boardwalk surrounded by a body of water. The sun was making its way up into the sky and I grabbed the ring from off my finger. I admired it once more before with all my might throwing it. I watched as it sunk slowly. I sighed and walked back home.

August POV

I pulled up to Sabrina's house and unlocked the door. I ran upstairs and saw the room was destroyed. It look like a tornado ran through it but she was absent. I quickly ran into Noel's room and saw that she was absent as well. My mind raced with wonder, hurt and confusion. I punched a wall and went back to Sabrina's room. I buried my head in my hands and sobbed. I huffed silent tears as a headache began to form.

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