The new girl (REWROTE)

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Hello and I welcome you warmly to my new book In which was inspired by sierrawonderstuck she got me out of my writers block and back to writing (even though it sucks.)


_____Tibbies Pov_____

"Come on girls! If you start quitting on me now I'll make you run another lap!" Yells Mrs. Craw, the gym teacher. I keep running despite my aching legs and shortage of breath.

"Do I spot a quitter!?" The coach scorns on a stout girl falling behind. "One more lap girls!" Dammit, another fatass decides to walk so we all have to suffer. I don't think I can take the unbearable pain in my legs anymore. My chest rises slowly as I pick up my pace.

I like gym, just not the gym teacher. She's self centered, annoying, and always complains about how she thinks her husband is cheating on her. Well, I wouldn't blame him, if he is.

I finally finish my lap and jog off the track to the locker room, before Mrs. Craw can see me.

"Hey Tibs." Kathleen the ANNOYING says.

"Hey, what's up?" I say, taking off my gym shoes, and avoiding any direct eye contact. I just want to get out of here as soon as possible. I mean, who would want to be stuck in a locker room alone with this?

"Well, I was wondering if you would be my partner for the English project coming up." No way in living hell was I gonna be with this annoying bundle of pixie sticks for more than what's needed during the school hours.

"No, I can't, I'm sorry." I respond, slowly backing away. Something flickers in Kathleen's eyes, and her face flushes red with anger. This should be fun.

"What the hell, I thought we were friends?!" She freaks out, like a toddler being told no. She really is a piece of work isn't she?

"Lay off Kath, we were friends. Anyways, we got that new girl coming, so I need to stay open just in case." I calmly state. I can picture her blood boiling at my words. A rich bitch always gets what she wants. But not anymore, we are done and I'm not putting up with her anymore.

In a matter of seconds everything drops, and Kathleen smiles in a fake manor. "Okay. I'll just find somebody else Tibs." A crooked smile is plastered on her face as she turns away from me. I shake my head. I am telling you, this girl is known for her wild mood swings. One moment she is a leach on your leg, and the next she is the spawn of satan, wanting to banish you from earth.

"Bye?" I mutter, finally glad to be rid of her annoying and moronic presence. I swear I lose brain cells every time she's around.

I peel the rest of my clothes off of me and step into the showers. I turn the knobs and water encases my body. This is the only real quiet time I get during my school day. I shampoo my hair then wash my body before stepping out. I wring out my hair, and grab my towel from the hook next to me. Wrapping the towel around me tightly, I walk to my locker and pull out my undergarments, putting them on.

I dry my wet hair and put my clothes on. I remember my next class is with Kathleen. I groan both internally and externally, and smack my head on the locker multiple times.

I leave and go straight to my other locker to grab my things for english. When I gently close my locker door, I notice a tallish and pulchritudinous girl talking boredly to the principal. Wow, her hair is bright purple, and her skin is sickeningly pale. I wonder what her name is? Is she the new girl coming today? I hope so. She's pretty damn hot, I mean what?


The bell rings loud and clear, signaling fourth block is starting. I walk past the new girl and principal, getting a faint smell of roses. Well then.

Bite Me (Girl xGirl) (BEING REWROTE) Where stories live. Discover now