Meeting the truth

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Heyo, welcome to chapter four! So this book really isn't about the process of stuff happening, it's what happens after the that is why it's moving so fast.

____Tibbie's Pov____

I stood there for a second...what did she mean I was hers? I mean I know we just kissed in all but....I would think it's a bit to early for that.

"W-what do you mean?" I guess she didn't realize what she had said and stared at her feet. "Sorry...never mind." She turned away from and started to walk towards the house, with me trailing behind her.

"No really, what did you mean?" I ask again. Everything that has happened swished in my head.

"If I told you, you would think I'm crazy...and I don't want to lose you." She awkwardly kicking her feet at the ground.

"I promise I will never leave you." I say unexpectedly. I didn't know what I just said exactly and it kinda scares me. I really didn't know much about her. And I just told her I would never leave her.

She stopped dead in her tracks, causing me to fall right on her. "Ow." She grumbled.

I just laughed. "Could you get off?" She groaned.

"I don't know, your pretty comfortable to sit on." I wiggled in my spot.

"Damn, I mean I would be fine with with this..." She smirked "If you didn't have such a bony ass." I gasped and laughed.

"Can't say yours is much better." I giggled. In about .5 seconds. I was on the ground with Karma hovering over me.

"Wanna bet?" She gets up only to plop down on my stomach.

I wheeze from the pressure "Trying to kill me much?" She cackles and a wiggles her hips on my stomach.

"See, I don't have a bony butt." She smiles with pride at this statement.

I groan, "Ok, so maybe you don't." I feel my cheeks heating up and cover my face with my hands.

I peek through my fingers, Karma just seems to staring at me. Interested maybe? I see something flash in her eyes...not completely sure as to what. "Okay off fat ass, your gonna crush my ribs." She snaps out from what ever internal conflict she was having and jumps up.

"Ah, look I can breathe again." A small smile gathers on Karma's face and she sticks out her hand for me to grab. I gladly take it and get up. I pick up my duffel bag and shadow behind Karma into her mansion of a house.

I stand there amazed, even though I have already been in here. It still seizes to amaze me. I'm snapped out of my gaze by somebody pinching my side. I look at Karma wearing a smile and twirling a piece of hair around her finger.

"How could you be any more suspicious than this." I give a small laugh and so does she.

"I guess your right. Shall I show you to your sleep chambers, my lady?" She bowed and offered her arm.

"I suppose, but your gonna have to carry my luggage." I smirk and she returns it.

Karma only nods and picks up my bags starting to walk, I follow her up the stairs. At the top we are greeted by a left hallway and a right hallway. Karma scratches her head and goes right. we pass a couple doors and stop in front of the fourth one.

"Ah, here we are." She takes out a ring of skeleton keys from her pocket and opens the door. it creaks open to a huge room with vanilla walls, oak flooring, and a canopy bed, with a nightstand next to it. But other than this the room is bland.

"Wow." Karma looks at me in confusion.


"What do you mean 'What?' This room is like four of my rooms combined." I look around in amazement. "

"Maybe you just live in a small house." She patted my back and shoved me into the room. "Unpack and get rest." There was a very demanding side of Karma, that peaked my interest and kinda turned me on. I mean what?

When I turn back around Karma is gone and the door is shut. How'd she even do that without me noticing? I sigh and walk over to the dresser in the corner of the room. I put my very selected and few pieces of clothing in the drawers.

I look out one of the windows and I'm greeted with miles and miles of forest. Vibrant shades of green splatter across the tree tops and work its way to the peaks of the mountains, where the sun is just barely showing through. It was truly a beautiful sight. I look at the watch on my wrist and the time reads; 8: 06. I groan and walk into the bathroom attached to the room.

There is white tiles, and a Victorian tub against the back wall, a standing shower stall a couple feet to the right of me; a large mirror with a sink laying in front of it.

Considering I didn't even have my own bathroom back at home, this was gorgeous. There was a rack that held a couple towels, so I grabbed one. I stripped out of all my clothes and wrapped the towel around my body snug.

I walk over to the shower and turn it on, sticking my arm out to make sure it's good. Once the water is warm enough, I drop the towel and step in, letting the warm drops lightly massage my back. I sigh, everything that happened tonight raced through my head, but the water pounding on my head made it disperse. My muscles relax and I breathe for the first time in a while.

I sat there for a moment, then washed up and stepped out. I picked up the towel from the floor and wrapped around my body. Wringing out my hair and putting it up in a messy bun on top of my head. I walk out of the bathroom and get pj's, being a oversize t-shirt and girls boxers.

I crawl to the bed and flop down on it. Looking at my watch again I notice its 9pm. Damn, I was in the shower longer than I expected. I might as well try to get some sleep, so I slip under the covers and snuggle into the blankets. My eyelids start to get heavy, so I let them shut and let the familiar darkness surround me.

____Karma's POV____

I stand at the foot of the bed Tibbie is lying in. I have to admit, she looks kinda cute sleeping:her face so delicate and free of emotion. I sigh. I wonder what it's like to sleep? Probably nice. Suddenly the once delicate and soft face of hers is contorted and drenched in fear.

Tibbie grips the blankets around her and turns to her side hurling into a ball. I hear a quiet sob leave her mouth, "n-n-no....please, STOP!" She shoots up in bed. Frantic and scared out of her mind, her eyes dart around and focus on me. My presence seems to startle yet calm her.

"What was the dream about?" I ask sitting on the bed.

Tibbie looks at me blank faced for a moment before breaking out into a sob. I rush over to her. The only thing she could've been dreaming about to make her a wreck like this must have been her dreadful and disgusting step-dad.

I immediately take the girl into my arms and cradle her like a baby. For a couple moments she continuously sobs into my shoulder, then eventually they turn into small weeps.

"It's okay, you don't have to talk about it." I give her a tight squeeze and sigh into her hair. I subconsciously rub my fingers through it and she relaxes in my arms from my touch. After a little while, I hear soft snores, and I lay her back on the bed. As I'm about to walk away though, I feel tight grip on my wrist.

"Don't go." Tibbie whispers, looking to be half asleep.

"Okay." I take off my shoes and sit on the other side of the bed.

It was gonna be a long night.


It's been so long since I last updated and read this so, I do hope it isn't too awful. If it is just tell me and I'll fix....but anywho..
Hope your enjoyed. :)

<3 Butter

Bite Me (Girl xGirl) (BEING REWROTE) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora