Chapter 6: First Quest 2

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Shirou's here. There is one thing I hate most. But I can't complain about it. So I just sit at the corner and keep silent.


The floor creaks and everyone was on high alert.

Even Celty at the reception was shaking. All because of my sudden change of aura.

Only Yuki was fine.

" Shirou, keep calm. With my stats I can handle them alone. "

Realizing what I've just done, I calmed down. I released the pressure and everyone went silent. I see cold sweats coming down their forehead.

" Anyway, I'm taking your [Soul Card]. "

(Author: I changed the identification card to Soul Card, after all it might be confusing. Soul Card is the one they have shown to Elise. It tells the good and bad deeds you've done to deliver respected punishment and rewards.)

While restraining him, I chant the word [Realize] to forcefully take it.

I read aloud what was there...

" Grim, age 27, stats are average for C-rank, rewards are none and punishment are......)

Grim interrupted me

" Please stop, I'll do anything you want just stop!! "

But I continued it in a stronger voice

".... many for, murder, rape, coercion, and thievery!!! "

When the other adventurers heard that they began to make a ruckus. And most of them were looking at the trio with disgust and some again went out like trying to hide.

Due to the ruckus, the guild master Lucan came down.

When he heard what the commotion is about from one of the receptionist he walked towards me.

" Thanks for what you've done and were sorry for the commotion. You see adventures like these guys are starting to spread. What you've done is really helpful."

" Don't worry about it. "

" Yup, you shouldn't worry about it~ "

Somehow Yuki is happy.

Lucan takes something from his side. It is a pouch...

The pouch was rather small but I was surprised when he inserted his hands until elbow and took out another pouch

Apparently it is the low level magic bag. The medium level magic bag and high level magic bag looks more appealing and can hold more capacity.

" Take this, reward for what you two have done. "

It was a pouch with 3 silver coins in it.

" I added a little more so go buy some equipment before you begin your quest "

And so we went out.

After some moment, Yuki begin to cling on my arm looking happy.

" Ne~ Ne~  were you mad for my sake? "

I tried to ignore it but in the end I give up.

" Okay, I got angry for you. You happy now. "

" Guhehehe~ "

With the power of comprehension, we can read the placards and we arrived at a certain sword shop.

" Welcome, what kind of sword would you like "

The shop keeper came and greet us. She is rather young .....


Suddenly a window appears beside the shopkeeper....

I checked my status through the menu and see the log, [Analysis] acquired.


Licia- Shop Keeper

Race: Dwarf

Lvl 3     Age 17

Hp- 60     Mp- 25


Calculation Lvl 1


And that's what the window says and it explains why she's a little shorter than Yuki....

" We would like to have a sword, dagger, and a knife. The cheapest if you may. "

" Please follow me. "

We followed her lead and ended up in a bunch of copper weapons.

" These are our cheapest ones, though they are not enough for long hard fight it can endure fights with rank-1 to 2. "

I see, but these are all we can afford so we can't do anything.

" But since you guys are going to buy the three of it, I'll sell it for a special price, 2 silvers. "

As Licia say that, she gets closer to me to the extent of sticking herself to me.

" Hahaha....then we will take them "

But before I take it I tried to observe to the point where my head begin to hurt.


And there it is, this time I learned a new skill [Appraisal]. I activated it and test it to the weapons...


Copper Sword

Cost: 1 Silver 50 Big Copper

Damage +10

Magic Damage 0

+2 Enchantment Slot

Copper Dagger

Cost: 70 Big Copper

Damage +7

Magic Damage 0

Critical Chance +0.05%

Copper Knife

Cost: 50 Big Copper

Damage +5

Magic Damage 0


Yes, I acquired it perfectly but what I'm wondering is that she is selling it to us in a low price.

" Are you sure its only 2 Silver, I believe its more than that. "

" Its a service. So please choose this shop again."

Amazed by her determination and kindness

Yuki stroke Licia's head.

" Sure~ so let's be friends~ "

And then the backdoor opened and a bearded man came out. It is her father and is a blacksmith.

" Licia, its noisy here I can't work properly."

By the way, I earned another title.

[The Inciter of Fear]

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