Arriving to paris

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so hey ducklings!! this is my 4th chapter and i hope u guys like it

luhhvss to u guys!

<3 cyrill



i woke up in a matress on the floor and sun hitting my eye.Then i remember we were heading to paris.It was 2:00 in the afternoon.

The two girls was still sleeping so i didnt bother them since there tired from yesterday.I headed to the small kitchen area and looked what we have there was eggs and pancakes on the small table with wheels on them.It says breakfast so i took 2 pancakes and 1 egg. I loveee syrup so i poured a lot going zig zag.

I sat down on one of the plane chairs and eat my food and go on my phone.When i finished my breakfast i decided to take a bath (remember its a private plane).I used the ones the shower since my other ones are in the other plane.

When i got out of the shower i got dressed in a small room wich was my room its very small but a atleast 5 people can fit inside it.

After i got changed i went outside and i heard familiar voices.Nj and jessica,they were eating there breakfast so i joined them but not eating.They both took a bath and got changed.its 4:30 and we have loads of time to kill.

We were going to arrive in paris at 11:00 at night and land at 11:30 and hopefully get out of the airport by 12:00.We were cleaning up the plane even though it was already clean and we chilled for a while.We played some music and went crazy.Until 6:00 we had to eat dinner.

there was a meal on the wheel table again with a note saying dinner (yeah we had no lunch).It was steak and mash potatoe with designs going on with it.We sat on the same row and talked about stuff were excited to see in paris.

By 8:00 we were done eating.Now we only have a few hours left to kill. There was a big flat screen tv infront of us so we decided to watch a movie.They had a few movies on but we chose "in time".

It was a pretty good movie we all liked it ecxept for the ending it was kinda complicated.When i looked at the time on my phone it was 10:30 so that means were arriving in 30 minutes.We had a handcarry bag with us to put in few of our clothes and things we needed to survive a day.We changed into a warmer clothing since it was early fall in paris.

We did our makeup and got ready.It was 10:55 so there was still 5 minutes.We all looked out the window and waited to see the beautiful view of paris.

"We had arrived into our final destination" the pilot announced.We were all jumping up and down cause of ecxitement.The plane started to lower down and find its parking lot.It took a while but it wasnt that bad.

The first thing i saw when we landed in paris was the airport it was HUGE and i just couldnt wait to get inside.By 11:30 the rest of our planes had arrived we all took 1 suitcase and pretended to act all diva and pretended we were celebrities while we walk in the airport.

We got out of the airport by 12:00 and drove to our hotel.We each rented our own suite since were staying there for a long time.I can say,paris has pretty hotel rooms.My room was HUGE i rented a three bedroom suite since my other friends live in paris and maybe one day we can have a slumber party!

I looked at each room and chose the biggest one. I ran from the living room to the bedroom and jump in my the bed it was so bouncy so of course i decided to jump up and down on it till i got tired.

My mades and body gaurds are really tired so i told them they can have a day off for the whole time were there. I gave them money to spend while were there.

I was not really tired and i wanted to explore.So i went around the hotel room and looked at everything.Then when i knew where everything goes i opened all my suitcases.I put all the things where they belong such as my clothes,I filled my closet with my clothes organized by theme and color.I also designed my room with candles everywhere.And after i put everything where it was suppose to be i got tired and decided to go take a long bubble bath and get change into comfy clothes and just look at the beautiful view of the eiffel tower in my room.

It was a long day and i needed to sleep so i have all the energy i need for tomorrow.I slept at 3:00 in the morning with a smile on my face.


When we had arrive to the hotel i was so excited to see my room! I ordered a 3 bedroom just cause i wanted a big space.

"Here you go ma'm" says the hotel man while handing me the key to my room.I went to the 15th floor since thats where my room was located same as Ashley and Nj.

I pushed the key inside the door knob and counted "one,two,THREE!" and i opened the door.

It was a lovely room.It looks so relaxing.The room was like a "paris vintage/floral"style and it was just so pretty and i couldnt wait to spend 5 months inside it.

I wasnt tired at all even if it was midnight.So i decided to decorate it and put everything where its suppose to be.

I took a long relaxing bubble bath and listened to music.When i got changed it was 2:00 so i decided to watch a romance movie and admire the beautiful view of paris.

By the time the movie has ended i was sleepy so i went inside my room and slept.

Nj's pov

When i got the key to my hotel room i took all my suitcase from the guy and drop them and literly run in my room and have a party! I was jumping up and down in the bed and throwing pillows everywhere.

And when i got tired i took a break and decided to put my stuff everywhere so i dont have to do it tomorrow.

I put all my clothes in my closet not caring where everything goes.But i decorated my house with stuff i baught to put in.

I took a shower and go on my laptop and stared at the view in my window and just drink hot choco.

I was feeling sleepy so i decided to just go to sleep.


Hey guys!! so i know it was a pretty short chappee but yeah i just wanted to make the next day in a new chapter since its the first day in paris so yeah hope u guys like it! and tell me what u want to be added in the story and maybe i can put it in!

Luvhs so u guys! byeee!

<3 cyrill

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