Shopping galor!

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So on this chapee its all about going shopping and going crazy about the concert! hope u guys like it!!

Cyrill <3



The next morning i woke with someone calling me over 30 times.

It was the person who i called last night to decorate my hotel room.My room was kinda boring and so i called a designer.

I handed an Ipad that has the stuff that i wanted in my room and where i want to place it.Hmm yeah i know what your too lazy to draw it so i did it on the ipad by taking pics!

Soon she left.So i went on the kitchen and looked at the fridge (never knew we had a kitchen). It was empty realizing i never really went grocery shopping.

I went on the side of my bed and grabbed the phone and the "breakfast" list.I ordered waffles with fruit on the whipped cream,chocolate milkshake and fruits.

Minutes later my food had arrived.I went in my door and took the food from the guy.

Later on i took a bath and got changed.

I changed into my "emergency" shopping clothes.Thats when i wear stuff that would keep me comfortable going crazy shoping.

I wore some normal colored high waisted jeans and a burgundy tied bow top it was tucked in and it had like a bow tied in front of it so yeah.For shoes i went with black pumps.the shirt was see-thru so i put on a burgundy basic top.

The next thing that i did was call nj and jessica. I called both of them and thanks goodness there awake! i told them im in a hurry on buying things so they both hurried up and get ready.

I needed to get all the stuff for my hotel room with my designer,I also need to get a food for my kitched,and clothes for the 1D concert wich is on saturday!

Nj and jess was ready by 10:00 and we left the hotel.We went inside the car we baught online last night and drove to the mall.

First thing we need was decorations for our hotel rooms (we all have our own designer).Our designer's arrived in 5 minutes and they said they had all the stuff set.

We all three separated and went to different shops I went to target first,i ordered starbucks since it would be a long time walking.

One of the things i wanted in my living room was to bring new colors to it since its the starting of fall.Then i went across this beautiful couch "bedsheets" it was brown and u can swipe ur hands on it and it will show the white side.

The second thing i needed was new curtains so i went in the curtain isle and found the perfect curtain! it was thesame texture as the couch but at the bottom of it,it has the colour orange and green.It just shouts fall!

The next thing i need was a table for my living room.So i went to home outfitters and saw the most unique and beautiful table i ever seen in my life! it looked like a plain old circle but it actually opens and spread around looking like stairs.So i took that one

I went back to target and looked at there knitted blankets.They had a orange one so i took it to place it on my couch

The next isle was the pillows and o my goodness they had an isle full of fall themed pillows! i wanted to get all of them but i had no where to put them.I got a orange circle one that had a button in the middle pushed in and a green one that was shaped like a leaf and another one that has turkey on it also another one that has maple leaves falling.

Then i went into the carpet area.I saw alot but only one of them really caught my attention.It was a big circle brown with fall colors carpet and was perfect for my living room!

I also need a coat rack to put in the side of my door to hang my coats.So i went to home sense and took a golden one.

Now on my kitchen.My kitchen was plain old kitchen that has nothing on it so i went and baught some flowers and other kitchen stuff.

Its time for my room!! so ive finished all the other rooms but my room so i decided to go back to target.

I wanted my room to be fall themed so i took a big white comfoter that has white flowers everywhere.

I also need pillows so i went on the pillow area where i went a while ago.I took 2 white one.And cute small throw pillows.

I need a bed head so i got one from one of the furniture store in the was light pink with buttons on it pushed in.

I passed by the carpet area so i went and look and i saw a white one that has some ruffles going on with it.

I went to a store with my designer to buy a night stand.I saw a white one that has these cute small flower cutouts around it.

My bed looked really plain white so i went back to the bed sheet area and grabbed a orange throw blanket.

And then i wanted a bean bag so i head over to the bean bag section and took one that has this fall leaves on it.

Then for my bathroom and other rooms my designer took care of it.

I was really exhausted by the end of the shopping and I have finished my starbucks already so I decided to call jessica and nadeine.

They said they were almost finished so i just sat down on one of the bench and went on my phone.

I got bored afterwards so i just went ahead and go shopping for clothes i like.

I went to aritzia,garage,XXI etc. and then i came across clairs.....there was these crazy girls who was pushing each other trying to get something in a small box.

Then when it was over I looked at the box and it has 1D merchandise on it left so now i know what was going on.

I didnt take one since i already have all the 1D merchandise.But i still went in the store.They had alot of cool knitted headbands so i took some of it.

Then i called nj and jess they said they were done and that we'll meet near this macoroon store so i went there.

I saw jessica so i called her name then minutes later i saw nadiene coming.We were infront of the macoroon store so we decided to go inside.We a lot since we were tired but oh whateves.

It was a bit late after we finished eating so we couldnt go and buy some clothes for the 1D concert.So instead we decided to go shopping tomorrow.

We were back from shopping and i was really exhausted.I was really tired so i went in my bed and go to sleep.


Hope u guys liked it! I really did my best on writting this since i loveeeeee shopping and designing! Lovee u guys byee,

Cyrill <3

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⏰ Última actualización: Aug 18, 2014 ⏰

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