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"So sorry love, this was all a dreadful dream." The sound of mad hysterical laughter breaks free. "Or was it? Can you really believe me, for I am nothing but a voice deep in your phsycy." I had no where to run, I felt frozen, even if my body was free.

I was being suffocated by this satin snake around me. Again I hear it whisper, horrid-horrid things. As I try to clear the thoughts from my mind, something slithers up my spine. I try to scream and get free. I can't. The energy to struggle seeps out of me.

My lungs are burning for the need of air. Behind my closed eyes I see white spots appear. As I begin to fade the snake begins to retract.The snakes last soft fider caresses my face.

I cry and I scream, as my lungs swallow the air. I just lie down, wrung out of enegrie. And I repeat in a whisper, "It was once again all just a bad dream. "

[ Sleep paralysis ]

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