The Kink

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She woke up with a kink in her neck. The pain flared up into her head. She stretched her arms wide, trying to rid herself of the feelings inside.

As the day went on the feelings grew. It over toke her body through and through.

Her head ached, feeling like a siren was going off. Her body felt heavy as if it was made of lead. Her movements were all over the place. But worst of all was the numbing feeling inside her chest.

It made her emotions go weird in a sense. She was happy alone but strest the rest of the time. It ached so bad. Tears welled up almost spilling the unwanted feelings.

Why does it hurt everyday. It made things worse. She lost friends because of how tired she was. She lost family because of the thoughts that always came along. It made life hard for her. Challenging her will to life.

Till finally she went to bed, the feeling setteld. Till once again that morning, all that hurt returned.

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