Me? You Can't Be Talking About Me!

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I swear it's not intentional, but it's been recently brought to my attention that I can come across shady A.F.

Look, I'm not one to just start talking about stuff. It's not you, it's my magical powers of social ineptitude. 

Now, most people think having magical powers is a good thing, somehow I got the short end of the stick. My magical powers include socially awkward over thinking, mind blank outs oh and good listening. I will listen, laugh (often when inappropriate), and might even slide in a witty statement or two (that also happen to be awkward, inappropriate but all in good humor). 

In all seriousness, the most challenging part of human communications for me is when to end a conversation.

What about you! Tell me what the most challenging part of a conversation is for you OR if you're a conversation boss, educate me!

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