~Chapter 3~

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Pretend that her eyes are blue... I love this, but it has purple eyes ;-; Let's just say the pic has blue eyes...

Lucy's P.O.V.

     I woke up to an alarm, which was weird since I didn't set one... I looked on my bedside table, to see a schedule. (It's 7:00 when she woke up) 8:00 AM: Fire slaying practice. 9:00 AM: Iron slaying practice. 10:00 AM: Wind slaying practice. 11:00AM:  Exceed/familiar pairing spell. 1:00 PM: Free time at Reserved Town. 2:00 PM: Ceremony.

P.S. The town is for people invited to find their exceed partners.

     I decided to take a quick shower, then I got dressed in a white shirt, leggings, and sneakers. I looked at the time and saw it was 7:45, so I decided to check on Yui and Asuna. When I got to their room, I saw them both sleeping. I smiled and then started to go to the fire island.

     When I got to the island, I noticed there was every single species of fire. Phoenix, wolf, dragon, demon, and everything you could think of.

Xx Time Skip: Until 1 PM xX

     We teleported to the place the ceremony is going to be at, and I was told I can wander around town until starts. Before I walked out, they transformed me into a girl about Wendy's age, with pink hair and pink eyes. My hair went down to my butt, but it was currently in a ponytail, with a cute white ribbon. I had a dress in which was white, and at the end, it had Sakura petals. I walked out with Asuna and Yui.

     After a bit of walking, I saw someone walking around confused. I got a better look at the person, and I realized it was Wendy! She was on missions most of the time and when she was at the guild she was nice to me, so I'm not mad at her. I walked up to her and said "Are you lost? You seem to be looking for something..." 

     Asuna and Yui looked at her guild mark and started to go wide-eyed. Wendy quietly responded with "Yeah... I'm here for something called the 'familiar finding' and I can't seem to find it..." I played dumb, and said "You mean the Ceremony? I actually need to go there soon... I can walk you if you want... My name is Diamond, and these are my friends Asuna and Yui."

     I pointed to them, and Wendy smiled. "I'm Wendy." I noticed she was less cheery, so I said "Is something wrong? Wait... Wendy from Fairy Tail? My friend was in the guild and said a girl named Lucy left the guild..." Wendy went wide eyed and responded with sad eyes."Y-Yeah... Lucy-nee left because everyone was so mean to her... I wasn't there to help her... Everyone said she attacked Lisanna but I don't believe them!"

      So that's what it was... Wendy started tearing up, and I just hugged her. Asuna interrupted her and said "Diamond, we really should get back... You sure you want to bring her?" I nodded, and Wendy looked confused. Before she could say anything, I quickly yelled "Shoot!" and ran there, holding Wendy's hand.

      Instead of walking to the place Wendy should, I walked to the private area, still holding her hand. She must have noticed, so she quietly whispered, "Um.. isn't it the other way?" As the guards let us in the room with my family, I said "Oh yeah... I'm the one performing the ceremony"

     I transformed back into my white hair and blue eyes, as my mom said "Lucy... I don't care if you are a princess. You can't come late to these things!" She must have noticed Wendy, and she turned to me. "I thought you hated the fairies now... She's in the guild, correct?"

     I quickly replied with "She wasn't there... I am not mad at her, and I--- wait... What will she think when she sees him?" Mom went wide-eyed, and almost on cue Zeref walked in and said, "Who's 'him'?" I sighed and pointed at Wendy. 

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