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Noah POV

The boys and I had finally made it back home the next day because they had questioned us all night. It had been a long night and all I wanted was to hold my wife. She always knew how to make me happy and she made all of my worries go away. I walked through the door of our cabin and it was still quiet. I shut the door behind me as I walked into our bedroom. Stefan and Valerie were lying next to Lacy on my side of the bed. Edward was curled into her and Cosette was asleep in her arms. My entire life was right in front of me and they meant everything to me. I sat down in the chair that sat across the room. I unbuttoned my shirt as I sat and watched them. The sun was starting to come through the windows on the side of the cabin that faced the beach. Lacy's skin was glowing and my love for her was growing. She started stirring in her sleep and then she looked over at me. She got out the bed and laid Edward in her place. She leaned over to put Cosette in her crib. She motioned me to join her in the other room. 

I closed the door behind her and she held out her hand. She pulled me to the couch and I laid down to bring her with me. She laid on top of my chest as we fell asleep in each other's arms. We woke a few hours later to our two oldest kids looking at us. I pat her on her back as she woke up along with me. Her face lit up like a Christmas tree when she saw our kids. "Did my babies sleep well?" Both of them nodded their heads quickly as she got off of me to fix the family breakfast. "Do mind to wake our two youngest children?" I made my way back into the other room as I saw Cosette staring at the ceiling. I kissed her head as she sat up on my shoulder and Edward was still asleep. I moved his shoulder as he slowly came out of his sleep. "Mom is cooking breakfast." He gets out of the bed and starts running towards the kitchen. I heard Lacy in the kitchen talking to the kids as I watched the scene in front of me.

Snowbird POV

Blaine was rolling off of me and we were panting like dogs in the hot summer sun. We had just had the best sex we have ever had. "That was amazing." He pulled me into his chest as I felt his heart beating in his chest. "I try to please my beautiful black haired panther." I laughed when we heard one of the kids getting out of bed. We prayed that it was one of the little ones as we jumped out of the bed to cover ourselves. He threw me a shirt and he put on his pants. The door opens to real it was only Sam. "Hey baby boy." Blaine walked over to our son and picked him up to take him in the other room. I covered the rest of my body as I walked into the front room of the cabin. All of the kids were playing with my husband as I watched the scene come to life.

Gabe POV

They had moved us into a regular room and she was eating her breakfast. She was eating it slowly as I watched from across the room. She looked towards me and she smiled. "Why are looking at me like that?" "Because I can and your beautiful to look at." She giggled as she went back to eating. The door opened and a nurse came in with a cart. "How are you this morning, Mrs. Brown?" "I'm in a little pain but I'm okay." "I have talked to your surgeon and he wants you to stay for the next few days. With a piece of the bullet still in your shoulder, he wants to watch over it." "Thank you" The nurse looked at me and nodded her head. "Here are your pain pills and someone will be back to check on you in a couple of hours." She turned around and left the room. I stood from my chair and walked over to her. I kissed her forehead and nose. "Why didn't you tell me you were in pain?" "I didn't want to worry you." "Babe, you were shot and just had surgery, I want you to tell me if you are in pain." "I will tell you next time, I promise." I leaned down to kiss her lips and she giggled.

Bear POV

I couldn't believe my wife was awake. She was eating and talking to the police so they could finally find this man that ran over my wife. They had asked me to step out to make sure I didn't scare her when she was telling her story. Bam and John had gone downstairs to the cafeteria to find the rest of us something to eat. The police had come out of her room and I walked over to them. "What did she say?" "She thought see saw her ex-husband in the car."

Matt POV

I was chopping wood and I felt a hand on my back. I turned to the side to see my wife and I could tell she was upset. "What is it Amelia?" "I'm pregnant again." The axe fell from my hand and I took her in my arms. I felt tears going down my neck and I knew she was crying. "I hope those are happy tears." "There not because with everything going on, it isn't the right time." "We will make this work because I love you and this baby so much." She pulled away from me and I put her face in my hands. My thumbs wiped away her tears as I kissed her forehead. Then we hear Rainy's voice going through Browntown. "She awake! She awake!"

Trying To Remember (Alaskan Bush People Story: Sequel to It Wasn't My Fault)Where stories live. Discover now