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Rainy POV 

I didn't want to say a thing for the rest of the day since we had met my husband's ex-girlfriend. She was a beautiful French model, who could compete with that? Seeing her again had to bring up memories of them together and I didn't stand a chance. I was standing in the mirror as I looked at myself. We were meeting them for dinner after his show. John appeared behind me as he wrapped his arms around me. "You look beautiful tonight." He kissed my neck when he looked at me through the mirror. "We are going to be late." I walked away as I went to grab my heels. We walked downstairs together when a cab was waiting on us. We drove to the Eiffel Tower when we were escorted to the restaurant. The elevator door opened and we noticed that it was empty. Christine was sitting at a table along with a man. He stood to greet us when we reached the table. "I'm Chase and it's nice to meet you." John shook his hand as we sat down. The first course was served before we could get comfortable. We laughed throughout the dinner as John and Christine relived memories of their relationship. "Rainy, would you care to join me on the terrace?" Christine thought it was a good idea for Chase and me to become friends. I took his arm as we walked outside. I watched John out of the corner of my eye as the two of them talked. "How did your family end up living in Alaska?" "My parents moved there before I was even thought of and created a life there." "How could you live in a place like that? Haven't you ever dreamed of living in the city and having tons of money?" "No, I have it already. I'm the riches person on the planet." I looked over at John as he sat by himself at the table. "There is something that I need to tell you." I turned to look at him when he pushed me up against the railing. "What are you doing?" "Christine wants John and I want you." "John!" He had his hands around my neck as I was being pushed over the railing. My feet were coming off the ground when I was about to fall over. "Rainy!" I was able to breath when my hands went to the railing as I was hanging off the side of the Eiffel Tower.

Amelia POV

I had taken a nap in bed when I heard something going on. I got out of bed slowly and made my way to the door. Bam and Gabe were carrying Noah towards the beach. "Matt!" He turned to me when he ran over to me. "What's wrong?" "What's going on with Noah?" "He just passed out and hit his hand on the edge of the table." Then I felt a severe pain in my side when I doubled over. "What's going on?" He put his arm around me to hold me up. The pain was increasing as I was picked up bridal style. The family was rushing to the Integrity to take us to Juneau.

Lacy POV

We had gotten dressed as I was standing in the doorway of my hotel room. He had to go to work or we would have kept going. There was something that he released inside of me that I didn't want to go away. "Will I see you before you leave?" "I'm going to be staying for a while so you better be back later." He kissed me again when I heard my phone ringing. "Have a good time at work." He opened the door as I watched him walked down the hall towards the elevator. I walked over to my phone when I noticed it was an Alaskan number. "Hello?" My heart stopped when I realized something was wrong with my husband. "I will be home as soon as I can please tell him that." I hung up the phone when I packed my packs. I sat down at the desk to write Johnny a note when I was on hold with the airlines. They had one more flight that left for Seattle in the next few hours. I was telling him how sorry I was that I had to leave but we could still write each other. I drove by his work to put the note of his windshield. I raced back to the airport that was an hour away. My thoughts were split as I thought about my husband and Johnny. I think I was in love with both men.

I had made it on the plane as I thought about my life and how I wanted to live it.

Noah POV

My head was aching when I opened my eyes. My room was empty as I looked around until my head hurt even more when the door opened. "Hey man." Blaine was walking towards the bed. "How are you feeling?" "Like I was hit in the head with a baseball bat." He chuckled at me as he sat down. "Where is the rest of the family?" "They are downstairs and Lacy is on her way." "Lacy?" "Your wife?" "I know she is my wife but I was curious that she was leaving her family. They have so much to go through." "Her family said they would wait until she gets back." Then the door opened and Lacy was in hysterics. "Noah, honey, are you alright?" "My head still hurts but I'm okay." She kissed my head gently. "Blaine, can you go get the doctor?" He got out of his chair and the door closed behind him. "I was so worried. My only thought was about you and the kids." "I'm fine." I moved over in the bed as she crawled in with me and put her head on my chest. "I missed you while you were gone." "I missed you too." She kissed my exposed skin on my chest.

Matt POV

My wife was connected to these machines. I could hear hers and the baby's heartbeat as I sat in the chair closest to the bed. My foot was bouncing up and down as I waited for my wife to wake up. They had given her some pain meds but that is all they could do because she was pregnant. Her beautiful red hair was splattered around her pillow when her head moved to the side. "Hey baby." I saw her beautiful brown eyes when she automatically looked at her belly. "The baby is fine." She started crying as I held her in my arms. The heavy door of the room opened to a nurse with her cart. "It's to see you awake because I have some news for the both of you." I wiped her tears with my thumb when we turned to look at her. "This will be your last pregnancy because of your age, you might not make it out alive. You are almost forty and with you having twins, is doing havoc on your body." "Twins?" "You didn't know?" "We had no idea." "Well congratulations, you're having two girls."

Trying To Remember (Alaskan Bush People Story: Sequel to It Wasn't My Fault)Where stories live. Discover now