Ch. 1 - Genesis.

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"Jordan! Boy, Get in here and wash these damn dishes.." My father screamed. I got up from watching spongebob and ran to the kitchen.

I hate washing dishes in this hot weather. I wanna move out of Atlanta. I wish I lived where my daddies used to live, in some place called New Orleans.

Hi, my name is Jordan. I'm 8 years old! I love to sing and draw. People say I'm pretty talented too.

Is it weird that I have two daddies?? Their names are Marcis and Martez, but I know that boys can't have babies. I wanna find out who my mommy is.

Whenever I have a recital at school, I see mommies and daddies, not daddies AND daddies. The other parents give my daddies a funny look. I grew up like this, so I can't see what's wrong with it.

People call me a fag, and gay. I don't know what that means, but I don't listen to what people say. That's how my daddy raised me.

My daddies always were kissing. I can't see myself kissing another man. Gross. But it's nothing wrong with it. Daddy always tells me to accept people for who they are.

A lot of my classmates don't accept me. I don't know why, though. I'm nice, tall,

I can draw, and I'm confident. Oh well. I guess they don't have to like me.

When I was six, I remember my daddies getting married. I don't know what was going on, but a lot of people were talking about it on TV. People on the news were saying something about how 'gay marriage was legalized', or whatever that means.

I always thought that my fathers were married by the way they treated each other. They really loved each other.

I got up and ran to the kitchen and started running the dishwater. I hated washing dishes, but if I didn't, I couldn't get my allowance.

"Jordan, your father and I are going out to Red Lobster later on tonight. Make sure you have your homework done by 7." my dad said.


I got up and sprinted to my room to get started on my math homework. We were learning multiplication. To be honest, this was a little too easy for me! I finished the 25 question worksheet in a matter of one minute.

"Done!" I said as I showed my other daddy my work. He took it out of my hand, and went over it.

"Ah, good job, Jordan. You're so smart. That's my boy!" he said.

"You know, his report card just came in the mail today. He got all A's and one

B+." My daddy, named Martez, said. My other daddy is named Marcis.

"Oh, wow! This calls for a celebration! How about we get some ice cream after we eat?" Daddy Marcis said.

"Yay!" I jumped up and down.

I loved how they treated me. I loved my daddies. I tried my best just to please them. That's why it hurts me when people say bad things about them.

At about 7 my fathers and I hopped in the Jeep Wrangler and made our way to Red Lobster. The doors were off, so I felt the cool winds blow against my face as we made our way there.

As we drove, I couldn't help but to admire the beautiful sunset. An array of colors splashed the sky. Indigo, pink, orange, and light blue. My teachers say that I see things differently than a lot of people. Is that weird?

We got out of the car and made our way inside. I saw my daddies holding hands, and I knew what was coming -- the dirty looks of strangers.

We walked inside and it began. People whispering and eye contact. I was nervous, but I saw how calm my parents were. Did they not see them?

After a 25 minute wait, we were finally seated. I sat next to my dad, Marcis and my other dad Martez sat across from us.

"Hello, welcome to Red Lobster. My name is Toya and I'll be your server for tonight. Can I start you all off with something to drink?" The teenager said, sounding bored.

"Yes, I'll have a lemonade." Daddy Marcis said.

"I'll have a water." Daddy Martez said.

"I want a lemonade!" I said.

"Okay, I'll be right out with that and your biscuits." The waitress left.

As my fathers talked about random things that I didn't really understand, I wanted to ask a question, but I didn't want to make them mad. Then again, they always tell me to be completely honest with them.

"Uh, daddy... I have a question."

"What is it, son?" Daddy Martez smiled.

"Well, I was-"

I was cut off by some girl that walked up to my father, fangirling.


"Yes, ma'am." He smiled.

"You're the CEO of N.O.G.O Records! It's you in the flesh! Oh my goodness! I love you soooo much! You inspired me to be myself.. You are truly amazing!" The girl hyperventilated.

"Yes, thanks so much." My dad said humbly.

"Can I please get a picture!?" She panted.

"Sure, of course!" Martez smiled as the girl leaned towards him as her friend took the picture. She smiled excitedly and ran off.

"Wow. It's amazing how I could actually inspire a lot of people. I love this. I feel really great!" Martez said. "Now, what were you saying, Jordan?"

"Um.. How come you guys don't notice when people are looking at y'all funny?" I asked shyly.

"What do you mean?"

"Like... Whenever you and daddy walk in a place together, I see strangers giving you dirty looks and you ignore it."

"Oh, Jordan. That's a really good question. I've learned to have inner peace. I'm happy with myself, and anybody that gives us dirty looks aren't happy with themselves. Remember that, Jordan. Ignore negativity, because it makes you stronger." Daddy Marcis said.

And from that moment on, I lived by those words. It was hard, and I noticed everything. My name is Jordan Cruale, and this is my story on how I grew up with parents of the same sex.

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