Ch. 3 - Judged.

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Martez was doing 80 on the freeway. His face was flushed; he looked nervous and angry at the same time.

"Woah, Martez. Slow down! What the fuck happened?" Marcis said sternly, as Martez took his foot off of the gas steadily.

"I knew this was gonna happen. I knew Jordan was gonna fight him. I just knew it-"

"Fight who?! That little James boy? The one who's always pickin' on him?! OH HELLLL NAH!" Marcis yelled.

"Hell yeah, and I'm not havin' that shit. Jordan can't afford to miss school. I'm about to settle this shit." Martez said, calmer than he was before.

After about a good 10 minutes of angry silence in the car, they finally got to Salinas Elementary. Martez and Marcis didn't talk; they just got their things and rushed into the school after each other.


"Hello, Child protective services? Hello, my name is Mrs. Linda Quarrey, principal of Salinas elementary, and I have a child here in my office that doesn't have a complete household."

I was just sitting there, looking at James, and then at Mrs. Quarrey. Was I in even more trouble? I'm not a bad person. I don't deserve this. All I was doing was taking up for myself.

"Yes. His name is Jordan White..... Yes.. Ummm.." Mrs. Quarrey said as she rummaged through her files to find mine, "He's 8 years old-"

Martez and Marcis barged in, and when I saw them, I broke down. I didn't want them to see me in the office! I only wanted to make them proud. Now they were gonna think I was stupid and not worth it. They're not gonna be proud of me anymore.

Daddy Marcis ran over to me and I buried my head in his shoulder. I felt so sorry. I could never make up for this.

"Shhhhh.... It's okay, Jay. I love you." Marcis said as he hugged me and patted my back.

Mrs. Quarrey stood up to shake Martez's hand, but he rejected. The look on Martez's face was priceless.

"Well, My name is-"

"We know who you are, and I know EXACTLY what happened." Marcis said.

"Well, just to clarify, Jordan will be suspended for a week for fighting this young man." Quarrey said as she pointed to James, holding his black eye.

"Look. If Jordan gets a week, then this boy has to get at least 2 weeks."

"And who told you how to run our school's disiplinary actions?" Quarrey said, raising her voice.

"I don't know who you're getting smart with, but don't lose your job, lady. Jordan better not be the only one serving time here." Martez said angrily.

"Well, he is. Do you see how badly bruised James is-"

"I don't give a damn if Jordan broke his leg, for God's sake. I'm not leaving this office until we get some fuckin' justice!" Marcis stood up.

"Sorry, guys, but he's not getting suspended. So you can either leave, or I can get security." Quarrey put her hands on her hips.

"You're a bitch."

"And you're a faggot." Quarrey said under her breath, and that wasn't the best idea.

Martez hopped over the desk and pulled out his pistol in literally 3 seconds. Quarrey wasn't even phased.

"Look, bitch. I will have you killed in front of these children. Don't fuckin' test me. Now, if letting little James stay in school is worth your life, then I'll be glad to go home with Jordan, and your dead body. Your choice."

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