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Hi salsa, I'm Mrs. Dowey, and this my husband Mr. Dowey. We would like for you to come live with us. I just sat there, and looked puzzled. Why would a family want to adopt me now. I'm 16, I thought. Salsa, I know this may be scary they said, pulling me away from my thoughts, I just looked at them. Finally. Mrs. Kate step in. Let's let salsa think about it, and we would get back to you. I snuck a smile to mrs.kate. after the Dowey's left, me and Mrs. Kate talked all night. She was explaining to me about how this was a life opportunity. Two weeks later, I was packed up, and ready to move out. Sunnyside, was all I knew. It was home, now I will have a new one. It was scary, but exciting.

The dowey's were nice people. We went and got some lunch, and then we head back to their House, well my house now to. As we pulled up, I just look in disbelief. This place was huge. It was crazy. Welcome home, Mrs.dowey said. Come on let's get you settle in Mr. Dowey said, as he helped me with my bags. Didn't have much. They showed me to my room, it was huge, I had my own lounging area, and even my own bathroom. They had pictures, and all my favorite colors over the wall's.

I unpacked all my stuff. My stuff didn't even cover up a quarter of my room. It looked bare. I got in some comfy clothes,and went to explore my new home. The house was so big, there was six bedrooms, four bathrooms, two living rooms, a dining area, and a huge kitchen. There was a big pool house in the back, and a huge pool. And hot tube in the back yard. We had a garden, and a theater, I was amazed. Mrs. Dowey, came up behind me and asked if I was ready for dinner, I smiled and I followed her to the dinning room.

At dinner we had a feast,. It was so good, we all talked, and, I opened up a bit. Salsa I heard you like to dance, Mr. Dowey said. Yeah a little I said, not professional, I just taught myself. Well that's amazing he said. We have a lot of dancers in our family. What do you dance to? Hip hop I replied. Nice he said, and gave me a big smile. What would you like to call us. You can call us mom and dad, Renee, and john. Or Mr. And Mrs. Dowey. What ever you choose. I thought about it for second. Can I call you guys Renee and John for now? Yes hun, Mrs. Dowey said. Am I going to have to change my name? What no honey. Well can I? What would you like to be called? Well you guys are my mom and dad now right. Yes we are replied Mr. Dowey. Well can I be salsa dowey then. Yeah sure they both said, smiling at each other. We would love that so much, Renee said.

Renee got up to cleared the table, and I helped her. Thanks.. No need to thank me, thank you. She hugged me, and smiled. Do you like shopping john said, walking into the kitchen, I smiled, don't every girl I said. My wife sure does, so why don't you girls, go and get stuff that salsa needs. Dishes then, Renee said handing john the tow. I laughed a little. Not funny he said. Smiling at us, be safe, love you Guy's, he yelled at us, as we were walking out the door.

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