chptr 2

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Where would you like to go shopping? Goodwill would be fine. Salsa your my daughter now, and I want you to have the best. I don't know really any other stores, I said every two months we all went shopping at goodwill, with Mrs Kate. we each had $30 to buy the things we needed. Well honey, I'm not Mrs Kate and this is not Sunnyside. We are permanent, so now let's go check out the mall. OK, I said smiling at her. Renee? Yes hun. Earlier in my room, how did you get all my old pictures of me growing up and stuff? Well adoption is a long process, you were ours even before we met. Each month they will send us out information about you. That's how we got all your stuff. I know everything about you, well what's on paper. Why didn't you guys come and meet me. That's on me, she said. This is our third try to adopt each time, the child backed out at last minute. When everything got finalize with you, we were excited, you were ours, and I couldn't wait to meet you. Your a blessing to us. Why didn't you adopt a baby, we didn't want a baby, we wanted a kid we could have fun with. No matter what salsa we Will be here for you. I smiled.

At the mall, it was so crazy, so many people here. Everyone was laughing, kids were hanging out with kids. Families here together. At first I was sad, because sometimes I wish my mom was here,but I knew she was watching over me. I knew she sent a new mother for me. So what is style you like. Are you a girly girl, hip hopes, Gothic, tom boy. I'm between girly girl, and hip hop. OK, so let's start here. Hot topics, I know its real dark, but they have cool stuff. I laughed, you know about hot topic? Honey, Mama's hip. I looked at her, oh, sorry she said and looked at me. Don't be you are my mom. Yeah, but I don't know if it would offend you, because you know about your mom. She will always be a mom to me, but you are my mom now. Come on hip mama, and let's check it out. She just smiled at me, and we walked in. Hot topic was a cool store, they had piercings, and cool clothes. We went by a rack and I saw this really cool dance outfit. It was s black mini shirt, with the word pink on it, and these baggy, dancing pants, it came with a hat, and matching shoes. Renee seen what I was looking at it, and told me to get it, I just looked at her, and I put it back. We got a couple of packs of belly rings, and earrings, I got some hats, and belts. Renee, gave me a ten and told me to go get us something to drink. As I was walking out, I almost ran into a guy. My eyes lit up, he was gorgeous, he had the most cutest smile.

I apologize and walked away, he looked at me, and gave me a little smile, and said it was OK.  I was star struck for minute, eventually I got over it, and we finished shopping. I had enough outfits, to last me for a whole year. I had pj's, and comfy clothes,belts, shoes, dresses, hats, etc.

Me and Renee headed home. When we got back john was on the couch sleeping, we were gone for a few hours, me and Renee took all my stuff upstairs, we went through everything and we put it up.

After that we sat down on the couch and watched TV in my room,about a hour or so,, john came up. How was shopping, good I said. Do you want to see what I got. I jumped up and smiled. Sure john said taking a seat on my bed. I showed him all my outfits, we sat in my room for about a hour laughing and talking. It felt great, I just looked at them, it felt like I knew them all my life.

I had a family for once, and I loved it. I loved them already. Come on salsa john said, motioning me to follow him. I followed him through a door that lead off my room, when I walked in , I almost cried. I just looked around. I felt tears come to my face, john and Renee, just had a big smile on their face. John said I know this is your dream. I know you let it go when your mom passed, but I don't want you to give up on your dream, this all for you. I turned and I looked at him. He gave me that worry look, like I was mad at him. I wasn't. Before for I  could even think, I ran to him, he picked me up and hugged me. From there we all knew I was going to be a daddy's girl. Oh, yeah Renee said, walking back into the room, bringing in four bags behind her, and a box full of stuff. Come open it, look inside. I smiled and I let go of johns hand. I went to the bags first. When I opened up the first bag, there it was, the dance outfit I saw earlier, I looked at Renee and smiled real big. Renee order me, over 59 pairs of dance shoes, and others shoe's, she ordered me 20 different dance outfits. I ran into both of their arms. Thank you guys so much I said. They hugged me back. We went to bed about one that night. I layed in my new bed, with my new family, and my new home, and I smiled, for the first time I was happy, since my mom died, for the first time, I had a family. I got out my bed and I walked into my dance studio, I looked around and I smiled, I put on one of my dance outfits, and I danced, it felt great. Little did I know. John was watching me. I walked in my room, showered and I went to bed. 

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