Chapter 1

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"Well, I can't...well, I can! Too much, too late, or just not enough of this. Pain in my heart for your dying wish, I'll kiss your lips again!" I wailed away on the guitar, keeping my eyes closed and feeling the energy pouring in from the crowd.

It was a bit place but it was like being in a small closed room with a million, excited people.

The smell of sweat was in the air, half from the band and half from the fans.

All of a sudden the cheering of the crowd got even louder and I opened my eye a crack to see Gerard slowly making his way over to me.

"To your room...what they ask of you

Will make you want to say, "So long..." Well, I don't remember, why remember...YOU?!"

A grin slowly brought up the corner of my mouth, Gerard, the audience and I all knowing what he was about to do.

I let my guitar fall to the side, knowing Ray could manage to keep the song going from here and even if he couldn't, oh well.

"Do you have the keys to the hotel?! 'Cause I'm gonna string this motherfucker on fire!" Gerard sung, letting the microphone drop and taking the few final steps towards me

There was no doubt hundreds, if not thousands, of cameras were trained on us but like always I decided to ignore them.

Gerard tangled his fingers into my hair, pulled my head back and smashed his lips to mine.

It wasn't a neat kiss, it wasn't romantic or cutsie, it was sloppy but passionate and made my heart race.

I brought my hand up to his side and wrapped it around his back, the cheering getting louder when his tongue entered my mouth.

Before things got too steamy for the stage he pulled away, a smile on his face as I hit my next note.

"Life is but a dream for the dead, and well I, I won't go down by myself. But I'll go down with my friends.

Now now now now... Now now now... Now now, yeah!" The clapping of the crowd flooded onto the stage Mikey, Ray and I exited the stage, leaving Gerard, Bob and James to finish up the show.

I could hear the opening for Cancer as I handed my guitar to a roadie, muttering a warning about killing them if they broke it.

I'd normally have paused to watch the final song but my stomach was growling, I could smell Chinese food and my inner fat kid was hungry.

I walked into the dressing room, catching a towel Ray through at me to wipe away the sweat that I fully intended to wash off tonight with a long shower.

"Please tell me there's something I can eat," I dropped on the couch next to Mikey and he handed me a plastic container filled with rice and vegetables.

Without another word I picked up a fork and dug in, stuffing my face as much as possible, wondering if I could eat the whole thing before Gerard showed up.

I don't know what's wrong with me but no matter how much I eat I just keep losing weight, I should consider calming down at the shows.

Ray had put down his set of chopsticks and was watching me with a raised eyebrow.

"What?" I mumbled around a mouthful of rice, a few grains falling from my mouth.

"Dude, you need to calm down because if you're not careful you're gonna need to be heimliched," I snorted before swallowing and shovelling in another forkful.

Gerard walked into the dressing room, tossing his sheriff jacket onto a chair, wiping the sweat off his face and swigging from a water bottle.

His eyes went to me, a sheepish expression on his face that he quickly hid.

Since it started years and years ago Gerard and I had kept a strange relationship.

Not quite friends but nothing more than that at the same time, he didn't know what was going on, I didn't know what was going on...especially the rest of the band.

As far as they knew Gerard and I did our little 'stage gay' performance (as the fans liked to call it) then that was it. We went back to our normal friendship, occasionally poking jokes at what we'd do and nothing more.

If you wanted to be technical about it then I guess we actually didn't do anything past what we did on stage.

A few kisses, some groping.

That's it.

Of course there were a few exceptions, every now and then when one of us would get lonely or have one too many beers we'd screw around a little, nothing the band would ever pick up on though.

I broke the eye contact with Gerard, looking down at my food and trying to keep my face from going red.

"Fuckin' good show tonight," Mikey said, smiling to himself and taking a sip from a can Pepsi.

"Yeah, especially you, Ray. Ya went right off," I grinned at the fro haired dude sitting on the couch across from me and he smiled back.

"What about you, Frank? Jumping off the speaker, you're lucky you didn't break your leg," Gerard was the owner of that commented and a joking sentence rose to my lips.

"What do you wanna do? Kiss my boo-boo?" I giggled and finished the tub of rice, sitting back with a relaxed sigh, a great end to a great night.

Now is all I needed was to have a shower, climb into bed back on the bus and sleep until four in the afternoon.

That's my idea of a good day.

"Would you like me to?" I looked at him and immediately knew my face had gone red.

"Aaw you wouldn't have the guts to kiss me offstage," my lips tugged up at the corners into a smile to mask how I felt.

I was teasing him, of course he had the guts to kiss me but the question was, would he be willing to do it in front of the guys.

Going silent Gerard stood up from the chair he'd been relaxing in and walked over, kneeling over me.

I could see Ray on the other side of the table, giving us a 'those crazy kids' look and going back to eating his food. Assuming Gee and I were just mucking around like we always did.

My heart was getting faster and I nervously licked my lips when Gerard leant towards me.

He's actually going to do it.

He was moving too slow for my tastes though, I wanted to just grab his shirt and pull him to me.

I won't, I can't.

I don't want them to know that I feel things for Gerard, more than I should when he was supposed to only be a friend.

"Did you have something to drink earlier?" Mikey asked, laughing at Gerard who had his lips only inches away from mine.

Fuck you, Mikey.

"Yeah, maybe a little more than I should," Gerard quickly moved away, realising what he'd been about to do and I had to hold back a groan of frustration.

Gee sat in the armchair, picking up a container of food and eating, using it as an excuse to not talk anymore and I wanted to yell at Mikey for interrupting.

I laid back on the couch, folding my arms over my stomach moodily and staring at the door until it opened, revealing Bob and Dewees.

"Man, that was concert and a fucking half. I'm bushed, I'm gonna head for the bus," James said, waving and walking off, not appearing to be interested in a response.

"I can understand where's he's coming from," Gerard stood up, slinging his jacket over his shoulder and looking unfairly hot, "I'm gonna get on the bus and try for some sleep," he left me and I continued to lay there, listening to the conversation sparking up between Ray and Mikey.

I wanna follow Gerard just a tiny bit.

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