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Max's P.O.V

Today was the day we start the tour, well the band starts the tour, everyone is awake and their first concert is in Seoul, so here we are. The boys are getting ready to go on stage and waiting outside there dressing room, they all came out, Jaebum being the last one, he gave me a kiss and ran away. I went to the side of the stage and it was dark, a song started playing 'Baby...you are...just, just right' I looked in amazement as the boys performed on stage. The cheers were growing louder and that's when I realized how many fans were in the crowd. I looked at all of it in awe, Jaebum noticed this and winked at me. I blushed and a new song started playing 'Why you hating, Man?' I looked as the boys walked around the stage but Jaebum, dragged me on to the stage.

"Cause you are Mine, You're Mine, You're Mine, You're Mine" he sung in the background of Mark, everyone cheered as Jaebum pulled me into him as he sang. "Yeah~ You're Mine Yeah~ You're Mine~" I hid my face in his neck as the song finished. "Awe! Someone is Shy! Shy! Shy!" BamBam teased "Shut up, BamBam, she didn't know she was going to be here" he lifted my chin and pecked my lips. The crowd went crazy but then as it calm down 'boo' was heard, everyone was booing "Get off stage!" "No one cares" "JB is mine!" Tears started to well up in my eyes and I ran off stage.

I heard cheering and I ran faster, I ran down a dark corridor and started sobbing. I felt arms wrap around me "They hate me, Jaebum, they really hate me" I sobbed out, he shhed me and started rocking me. "Wait, Jaebum, your show, you're supposed to be out there" he kissed me "You're more important" I smiled. I heard music playing "Jaebum, you better start going out there, I'm not letting you miss the first show of your tour" he pouted "I have a surprise for you to make you feel better" I pecked his lips and I heard fans chanting his name.

I sighed "Go out there, Jaebum, I'll wait for that surprise" he smiled and dragged me to the side of the stage. He walked out there, his smile disappeared, the fans cheered and he didn't have a reaction. They performed two last songs and then they ran off stage. Jaebum attacked my lips, I pulled away "Calm down" he chuckled and walked into the dressing room. I wonder what that surprise is.

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