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Max's P.O.V

Poke. I groan Poke. "Princess, wake up" Poke. "What?!" "Hi" I turned to Mark's cheeky smile. His hand laid on the curve of my bare hip, that had tiny bruises he didn't notice "You wear me out, ya know that?" He chuckled a bit "I definitely know after last night" I rolled my eyes. "Can I go back to sleep?" He shook his head "No, I'm awake so you are going to stay away" "You're not the one sore from last night!" He looked at me.

"Did I hurt you, Princess?" I sighed and shook my head "Then why are you sore? Was I too rough? Are you hurt?" He rambled on, I pecked his lips. "It's normal, I'm okay and I like it when you're rough" he nuzzled my neck. He kissed over the hickeys he made, I hummed in appreciation. He pulled away and turned his attention to the small bruises on my hip "Princess, you have bruises" "And you have scratch marks, Oppa" he was confused and got out of bed. He tried to look at his back in the mirror and he caught a glimpse of the long strips of his red, raised skin. "Holy shit, but they don't hurt" "Same goes for me" he put on boxers and helped me out of bed.

"Woah, what's going on here?" Mark hid my body from BamBam and Yugyeom "Aish, you boys don't know how to knock" I hid my red face in Mark's neck, which was also covered in hickeys. With his back to them, they could clearly see the marks I left "Damn Noona, you marked up Mark Hyung" I groaned in embarrassment. "Leave! Leave!" They rushed out and Mark locked the door "Let's take a shower" I nodded and we went to the bathroom, I turned on the water "No, let's take a bath" I filled the bathtub with water and slowly stepped in. Mark took of his boxer and followed in after me, I sat in between his legs and laid on his chest. He lazily wrapped his arms around my waist and pressed light kisses to the back of my neck.

"I'm sorry for making you sore and giving you bruises, princess" I smiled at him "I'm sorry for scratching you up, but you don't need to apologize for it, Mark" "I know but I feel bad for hurting you" I pinched his cheek. "You're so adorable" he chuckled "You're amazing" he rubbed circles in my stomach. "Oppa?" "Yes Princess?" "I love you, I really do" "I love you more" "That's not possible" "I just made it possible."

{I officially have 4K reads and let me tell you GOD DAMN, WHY DO YOU LIKE THIS CRAPPY BOOK?! ITS SO BAD, I CAN BARELY READ IT but anyway have you seen Hard Carry? I think I'm cheating on Mark with BamBam and Jackson}

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