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*2 years later*

Mark's P.O.V

I watch as Max played with our one year old son, Peter, he laughed while Max chased him around the room. Max looked up and smiled at me, Peter looked a lot like me, he had my eye type but Max's eye color, my nose, my face structure, my hair but he had Max's lips.

He ran to me "Dadda!" I chuckled and picked him up, Max went up to me and I kissed her on the cheek. "Momma! Dadda! Ew!" We laughed at his reaction, she kissed him on the cheek. I pouted "I get no kiss?" She rolled her eyes and kissed my cheek "Momma, hungry" Max took him from my arms as he pointed to his stomach. She put him in his high chair and started making him a sandwich "Dadda?" I looked down at my son "Yes Peter?" "I wuv you and Momma" I smiled.

"We love you too" I kissed his forehead, Max put his plate on his small table and he started eating. She smiled as he ate on his own, I hugged Max from behind "Maybe we should try for another one" she looked at me "Maybe one later in life but not right now, I'm still tired from carry this one for 9 months" I smiled. "Aye! Where's our nephew!?" The boys ran through the door and Max shushed them "Eating right now, so calm down" I waved at them.

JB accepted the fact that Max and I were having a child and that we were one day getting married so now we are on good terms and he is The Godfather of Peter along with his girlfriend, Yuri, who is the godmother. Jackson sat in front of Peter "Jacky!" "Close enough, he called me Painting the other day" we laughed as our son giggled along, not really knowing what to laugh at but giggling the loudest. Max put the plate in the sink when Peter finished, Jinyoung then taking him out the high chair and playing with him while the other boys crowded around.

"While they're playing, maybe we should take some time to ourselves" she looked at me and smiled. We went upstairs to our bedroom and collapsed on the bed "So you want another child?" I nodded "Maybe when Peter is at least 6" "I'll take it" I kissed her. She smiled and pulled away. "Maybe we should get married sooner than we planned, ya know we have more alone time to do whatever we want" I started kissing her neck "I need bridesmaids, a dress, you need a tuxedo, Peter needs a tuxedo, all the boys need tuxedos, we need a venue, a place to honeymoon and we need to invite all the family, that's still going to take a while" I smiled at her.

"What?" I chuckled "Nothing, it's just you're so perfect, I believe you're here with me or we have a kid together" she gently kissed me "I love you Mark" "I love you too Max" A small body crawled on top of us "I love Momma and Dadda" the boys awwed from the doorway. We giggled while tickling our son, my big happy family, and I wouldn't have it any other way.


{ok so hey, it's the end of the book....wow. If you want more, like if you want to wedding or honey moon, comment wedding or honeymoon or teenage if you want to see Peter as a teenager, so yeah, I'll have my other books up if you still want to read my books, bai dear friends~Safe}

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