Eins... Hier Komm die Sonne

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It was a quaint little house in the forest. Six little men were relaxing after a hard day of work. Now, I say little men because, well, these men were little. Take your father for example. These men were half his height. They weren't midgets, no. They would get insulted. These men were dwarves, and they were proud of it.

I'm going to tell you the story of these dwarves, but I must warn you, it isn't a happy one.

Once upon a time, in a distant land, there was a forest, and inside this forest, there was a house. This house was small and had six beds. In these six beds laid six children, to an ordinary man, they looked like children. These were in fact, dwarves. The dwarves worked hard all day and played all night.

The sun was shining brightly this day. The rays shined through the diamond shaped window and onto the first bed. The dwarf sat up and stretched his hands over his head, yawning. He shook his head and then removed his covers. He stood and fixed them, making his bed look as if no one had slept in it. This was Till. He was, how would you say, the leader. Till was the planner. He would plan work and free time so there was just a perfect balance. He was also quite built and very muscular. He had long hair that would fall into his eyes every now and then. He then woke Paul.

Paul was the playful dwarf. He liked to tell his friends jokes and make them laugh. Paul was skinny, but he too was built. He was the shortest. Paul had short hair that was cropped to the shape of his forehead. Till went downstairs. Paul then woke Oliver.

Ollie was bashful. He was the quiet type, but insightful. He liked to read a lot and was incredibly smart. He would also take long walks and swim whenever he could. He was the tallest of the dwarves. For his height, he could be considered really skinny, but he was strong. Oliver was the inventive, too. He tried to think of different ideas that could help the dwarves with their hard work. Ollie was bald and always sported a goatee. Paul followed Till downstairs.

Ollie then went to Christoph's bed and awoke him. Chris would often be called Chris, Christoph, Doom, or Schneider. He was much like Oliver. He liked to be active and read, but he wasn't as quiet. He liked to share a good laugh much like Paul. Chris wasn't tall or short. He was in the middle. He was built like Paul: skinny, but muscular. He had short, dark brown hair that was almost black, slicked back. The occasional curl would stick up, but he wouldn't mind.

Chris woke Christian, who preferred Flake. Flake was the skinniest of the dwarves. He didn't have too much muscle, but you would be surprised at his strength. Flake liked to help Ollie with his inventions, but when he wanted to be alone, he would often go to the stream flowing by their home and skip rocks. He had light brown shaggy hair that he would sweep to the side. Flake woke the last dwarf.

This dwarf grumbled as he sat up and rubbed his eyes. Flake followed Chris. The last dwarf got out of his bed and cursed at all the messy beds, except Till's. As is every morning routine, this dwarf made his own bed, and then the others. The dwarf than sat back on his bed and pulled his boots out from underneath. He slipped them on and tied them tight, tucking his pant legs in before doing so. This was Richard. He had black hair that he liked to spike up and style as such every morning. He smoothed out his sheets and walked downstairs, his heavy boots thudding with each step. He sat at the end of the long table they had and began eating his breakfast in which Till had prepared.

Breakfast always went on silently. Once the dwarves were done eating and washed all their dishes, they sat back down and discussed the day's agenda. It was first work, then relax, then dinner, then sleep. Just like every day, they stood, grabbed their goggles, pick axes, hammers, and jack hammers, and walked in a single file line to their mine, one mile from their home. The six dwarves walked into their cave and climbed down a ladder. They all went to different areas of the mine. Oliver operated the mine cart. Doom would smash rocks with his hammers. Till would use his jack hammer to loosen stones off the walls. Richard and Paul used their pick axes to smash larger rocks. Flake helped Oliver push and pull the cart, bringing rocks that Till has loosened to Paul, Richard, and Schneider.

To pass their busy day, the six dwarves would sing to keep their minds off the work. "Eins. Hier kommt die sonne. Zwei. Hier kommt die sonne. Drei. Sie ist der hellste Stern von allen. Vier. Hier kommt die Sonne."

"Hey, everyone! I found gold!" Schneider exclaimed, holding up a small golden nugget.

"Till, get over here! Chris found gold!" Paul waved his arm and smiled to the leader. The other five men gathered around the excited dwarf.

Till took the nugget and examined it. He smiled as he gave it back. "That's a keeper, Chris. Put it in your pocket so you don't lose it."

"Yes, sir." He did as commanded and everyone went back to work.

The day passed slowly. Till climbed the ladder just in time to see the sun began fading. He cupped his hands and called down the hole. "Day's over! Time to go home!" He heard Chris call, who remained by the ladder. He then heard Paul call to the others. They all grabbed what they had to clean and repair and left everything else in the mine. The six dwarves walked back home, whistling tunes of their own. They walked inside and hung up their goggles, went to the tub where they wash their dishes, and washed their hands and faces. They then stripped down and took turns bathing in one large tub they had. Till was first. He got out and dried and dressed, then started preparing dinner. Paul was second, then Ollie, Doom, Flake, and Richard. Once Richard was dressed, he sat at his end seat. The dwarves grabbed their hands and bowed their heads and prayed.

As they were about to eat, a knocking came to the door. The dwarves looked at each other, sharing hesitant glances. There was another knock. Till stood and opened it. "Hallo?"

"Hi." It was a woman's voice. "I was walking and I smelled some food. I was wondering if you wouldn't mind sharing? I'm starving, you see. I've been wondering around for days. I've brought apples. It's all I could find that I could eat." Till looked behind him. Richard stood and walked over.

"As you can see, we're dwarves. We can't accommodate man."

"I'll eat out here. Please?" She pulled out several large apples. "These are all I have left."

Richard rubbed his eyes and nose bridge and sighed. Till took the apple and examined it carefully. He then handed it back. "Come on in. We're having squirrel today."

"Oh, sounds delightful. Where can I sit so I won't be in the way?"

Richard picked up his plate and made Paul move down. "You can have my seat."

"Thank you." She smiled, and he smiled back.

Dinner went by quickly, but not quietly. The dwarves and the woman talked about who she was and where she was from. They really started to like her and offered her to stay the night. She said no and they offered to push their begs together for her. She declined continuously, but eventually agreed.

The next morning came and the dwarves all awoke at once. They had spent the night outside in the grass where it was softest. They went in to find the house spotless and food ready. The woman, known as Sarah Winterbottom, came in from the kitchen carrying a pitcher of water. "Eat up! You have a long day ahead of you." She smiled, her white teeth glowing bright. The dwarves sat down and ate quickly. They were running behind schedule.

They cleaned up their dishes and gathered their goggles and equipment and left, telling Sarah she could stay as long as she wished.

That work day ended early as the six dwarves found several nuggets of gold. They got home and told Sarah and showed her. Her eyes lit up as she examined all of them. "You wouldn't mind if I keep one, would you?"

The dwarves shared looks with each other, then shrugged. "We don't see the harm in that." Flake smiled as he gave her his.

"Thank you." She smiled as she pulled out a little nail file and straw from her purse. Her eyebrows furrowed slightly as she delicately grated the gold. Sarah made lines and taking her straw, she sniffed up the lines. She then looked up and saw the six little men staring at her. She barked, so to speak. "What are you looking at!?" They backed away slightly. She sniffed up another line. "Mmmm.. Finally. After playing nice for so long. I needed this." She smiled, then held out her hand. "Give me the gold." the dwarves sat there, staring as gold sparkled around her nostril. Her porcelain skin shined as the setting sun shined through the window and hit her face. "Give me, your gold." The dwarves shakily pulled out their nuggets and reluctantly gave them up. "Good boys." She grated another one and sniffed, smiling.

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