Drei... Sie ist der hellste Stern von allen

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The six little men arrived back at their home, solemn faces on all of them except for their leader. "Till, why do you show very little emotion for her?" Richard had asked as they stepped inside and out of the storm.

"Am I the only one to see her true intentions? Daily, she abused us and used us to fulfill her addiction. Why should I show compassion towards that heartless wench?" Fire burned bright behind his eyes as he spoke, pure malice filled his voice.

"There was good inside her." Doom spoke softly, almost afraid to do so at all.

"Where there was to be a heart was only stone, cold and breaking. She had no heart." He scowled at his friends, hating them for having any type of emotion for her besides fury. "You have no concept of the pain induced to me every day by her wicked hand. She always chose me last to be spanked the hardest. She showed no mercy for me. Even now it hurts to sit properly. Go ahead, show her sorrow and compassion. See if I care." And with that, his heavy boots thudded up the stairs as he made his way into their bedroom. The sound of wood sliding across the floor indicated he began to separate the beds.

"Perhaps he is right." Oliver spoke. This was unusual for him, for even he had somewhat enjoyed Sarah's presence. "She may have kept our home clean and made us food, but consider the evil she had done. What other good deeds can you conclude she had done besides clean and cook for us? There's not one item I can recollect." He stood from the table and made his way upstairs, joining Till. His anger and hatred slowly began to fill his mind and heart. A small scowl appeared on his lips. Without a word said, Paul joined him in his trek to the bedroom, a scowl also upon his face.

Richard looked at Schneider and Flake with large eyes and a frown on his lips. "She told me I was special, that's why I was the first to be spanked. It still hurt." He stood and sighed as he joined his three friends, Flake swiftly following. Sitting alone in the dark kitchen, Christoph laid his head on the table and stared at the door, secretly hoping she would return. She was the definition of beauty, and he would be damned if he had lost something as pure as her. Grabbing his jacket, he slipped it on and tied his boots. He then grabbed his goggles and stepped out into the thick rain. Thunder boomed loudly as he made his way to the mountain trail, slipping on mud and falling every so often. He turned his head to face the home behind him as he heard his name called out over the storm. He trekked on. The rain had stopped as he approached the glass coffin. He smiled as he looked at her porcelain face, pure and innocent. He fell to his knees and began to say a prayer that was passed down from generations in his family. He fell backwards as the glass shattered. In hopes that she had broken it, he quickly crawled to her to help her stand, but she remained frozen. "Schneider. She's gone."

"She can't be, Richard." The older dwarf looked at his friend with swollen eyes and tear stained cheeks. "I love her."

The younger dwarf bit his lip and stepped to his friend. "Come on. Let's get you back home and cleaned up." The two began making their journey back home as the morning sun appeared behind them, lighting up the distant mountains and towns that were worlds away from their own. "Eins. Hier kommt die Sonne." Richard began.

It was mid-day by the time they reached their home again. They stepped inside and were immediately greeted by an angry leader. "Where have you been? Trying to bring that bitch back to life?"

"Don't call her a bitch, you... you... you-"

"Guys!" Richard shouted. "Till, just go for a walk and calm down. You're not the only one who has gone through a lot these past few days." With a grunt, the oldest dwarf slammed the door shut as he left. "Go clean yourself, Doom. I'll make us some lunch." The older male nodded as he slipped out of his muddy clothes, making his way to their large bath basin. "Evil wench is right." Richard spoke to himself. "She deserves no love for what she has done. What he sees in her, I will never know. But at least she's gone."

"Richard!" The older dwarf called from the bathing room, the sound of fear and sorrow in his voice.

"What is it?" Richard had asked as he entered the room and stopped in his tracks. There was Till floating face down in the tub, a knife in his back. The water had become murky red with blood. Out of the corner of his eye, Richard saw the porcelain skin of Sarah in the dark corner of the room. There she sat, a broad smile on her face. "You."

"You seem thoroughly disappointed in my return, Richard. Why is that?"

"You killed him!"

"Now don't go accusing an innocent woman of such a filthy deed."

"You killed him and you know you did!" Tears welled into his eyes. His voice, surprisingly, remained calm and quiet.

"Now you can't prove I did." He fell silent as she stood. "Be a good boy and go fetch me some water. I'm thirsty."


"What did you just say?" Malice filled her voice. "You do not disobey your master."

"You are not my superior! Get out of our home and out of our lives!" At this point, he was screaming, being sure the others upstairs would hear him. And sure enough, Oliver, Flake, and Paul had joined them, gasping at the sight of her in the flesh, then filling with anger as they saw their leader's body in the basin.

"You can't tell me what to do." She retaliated.

"Nor you tell us what to do! You may be larger than us, but we outnumber you-" He swallowed dryly as a tear rolled down his cheek. "-five to one. Either leave peacefully, taking what damage you have caused with you, or we will use force against you." Richard's friends looked at him in awe and admiration. They never knew the dwarf to be so powerful and leading. Then again, what would they expect? Out of all their friendship's with him, his and Till's was by far the strongest. The two dwarves had built the house they lived in and took the other four under their wings when they were younger.

"Is that so, then?" Sarah straightened herself up and flattened her midnight black hair. "Well, you got me there. I suppose I have no choice but to leave, then." She smiled sweetly at them as she made her way out of the door. Before leaving, she turned to say something, but was silenced by Richard's hand pointing to the door, a heavy scowl upon his lips and fury in his eyes. The door closed as she left without another word.

"That was very brave of you, Richard." Oliver spoke softly as he placed a heavy hand on the dwarf's shoulder.

"Thank you." Was all Paul could say. He was astonished at the strong ability Richard had to stand up to an enemy bigger than he himself was. He was speechless. Flake said nothing, merely hugged his friend tight.

Christoph shuffled in from the bathing room, his face pale. He stood in front of his four friends shaking. "I wish her dead." He spat out. The dwarves fell silent and bowed their heads, praying for their friend. They then made their way upstairs and sat on their rightful beds, staring at Till's in sorrow and despair.

"What now?" Flake had spoken, breaking the heavy silence.

"We build him the best damn coffin we can." Richard spoke with determination. "Then, tomorrow, we begin anew." The four others nodded and stood, walking down the stairs. Richard made his way to the leader's bed and sighed as he brushed it off slightly and sat down at the foot, looking at the pillow. A smile appeared across his face as he sat there, remembering fond times with the elder. "She's finally gone, Till." He sighed heavily as he stood and made his way to the stairs. "May you rest in peace."

The End.

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