Chapter 1

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Michael POV (the guys name not girls)

*Michael was walking in the woods of Seattle Washington*
I had my big hoodie on to cover my ears,tail and black wings. I'm rare, very rare, a fallen angel to be exact. People call us that but we aren't actually. I am a lycan with wings I guess.
I found a clearing. It was amazing. I found a little rock overhang to cover the Washington rain. I put my stuff down and close my eyes.
Of course 2 hours pass and I'm still wide awake. I grab my bag and put one of my bandanna (idk how to spell) on the rock so I can remember the place. I start jogging around to ding something free to do.
I make it out of the woods and to the park. I jog for 30 min until it started pouring. I ran to a apartment office but not in any of them, on the stairs. I was so dizzy and dehydrated I passed out of the stairs.

{Time Skip}

I wake up and see around 7 guys surrounding me. I run up the stairs to a corner and curl up in a ball. They run after me and state at me in the corner.


I walk out of the house to go to work.
When I get there I was about to walk up when I see a girl on the stairs. I call up the guys and girl telling them to get here quick.
[20 min timeskip]
When they all got here they looked at the girl on the stairs
"Is she dead" Max asked.
"No she was moving in her sleep earlier" I say
"What are we-" Ross started saying be for I shushed him.
She started getting up and looked at us. Her eyes went wide and she crawled up the stairs into a corner. I run up after her a long with the guys. She looked terrified.
"You should ask for her name" I whisper to Ross.
"Why me?" he asked.
"You're the youngest and you're more calm" I tell him.
"Fine"he says.
He walks over to the girl.
"What is your name" he asks soft and a little shaky.
She whimpers and tries to scoot farther in the corner.
I tell Em to try since she is a girl (um not being sexist). She starts walking and the girl starts silently crying and backs up more with more terror in her eyes. Em goes back and was about to talk but Red started being weird.
Red hot on his hands and knees (LMAO) and started crawling towards her slowly. Before I talk I look at he and she starts to calm down and crawls over to Red. She hugs his back and Red picks her up.

{Michael POV}

"Mau I ask your name" he whispers in my ear.
"M-Michael" I stutter.
"Do you want to talk more in my office so they won't bother you" he asks still whispering.
I nod so he woke over to the door to the building and opens it. He walks in and to I am guess his office. He says me down on a spinny chair and grabs another (another one) chair.
"So Michael, I'm Michael or Red" he says.
"Hi s-sorry I should j-just leave i-i didn't mean t-to intrude" I say.
"No it's ok, do you have family I can drop you off with?" he asks.
I look down
"No I have no family they kicked me out" I mumble.
"Well maybe we can confront them" he says.
"No they're from California, I walked plus they will just tell at me" I say.
"Oh well you can stay with me" he says.
I jerk my head up.
"No no no, I can't I don't want to be a burden" I say.
"Nonsense you can stay with me" he said in triumph (idk I thought this word would be cool).
"So what did you do in your free time" he asked.
"I used to edit videos, work out at the gym, and go to the park" I say shyly.
"That's awesome we work here to make videos" he says with excitement.
"Ok can I use the restroom" I say embarrassed.
"Oh ya sure here follow me" he said getting up.
I get up and follow him closely. Everyone stares at me as we pass. I put my head down until we get there. He pointed at the door and I walked in. It had stalls in it which I was used to. After I went and washed my hands I stared at my reflection. I have good looking clothing on but my face is all scratched up from running in the woods. Some blood is running down my face from me crying. I wipe it off but it's still bleeding. I just let it run and walk out of the bathroom.
Red was at the end of the hall walking to a big room. I start walking in his direction. Everyone is staring at me I start to cry (she always silently crys unless I say sob)and lean against the wall and keeps walking. I make it to the room Red went into and walk in. There were a bunch of people including Red here. They all just looked at me. I started backing out when Red came over and held my hand. Everyone was staring at me as Red sat me in his lap.
"Can I just leave I'm fine were I'm at right now" I whisper to him.
"Were are you staying" he asked me.
"The woods" I say.
"Well you are going with us no matter what you say" he told me.
Everyone was looking at us.
"Guys this is Michael" Red said.
I waved and looked down. I have blood on my shirt from my face and it's still dripping. I look up and one of them hands me a tissue.
"So.... I'm Adam this is Ross, Max, Tim, Em, Preston, and John (i think I missed someone)" the guys named Adam said.
I nod and wave.
"She is staying with us" Red said.
"Ok so should we take her home" John asked.
"Ya go home for the rest of the day it ok" Adam said.
They nod and stand up. I get off and follow them to their car. I sit in the back as they start driving.
Thank you for reading the first chapter of my new book I will try to update often

Ash out

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