Chapter 3

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*Go to Red's apartment and now to the office*
As I was in the middle seat (the most uncomfortable) Red says, "Oh Ya today is dog day so everyone is going to be there".
I know this is going to go bad. Dogs follow me and I can communicate with them.
As we pull up I see Adam with a girl baby and dogs. Red jumps out and runs over yelling mason.
I get out following the boys and the dogs run to us.
"NEW PERSON NEW PERSON" one of the dogs yell.
I guess the Eren (Ooshgoon) and Nick herd because they have a very surprised look on their faces.
"You can here dogs speak btw" I whisper to them.
As we get in side I see around 6 dogs. As I pet them I start to play a little bit.

¡¿[20 min later]¿¡
I was playing with the dogs chasing them around, playing tug-a-war, fetch, ext. I was having a blast but I got bored so I walked over to the guys.
"Hey I'm mason" Adam said in a weird voice.
I sit in front of Red on the floor as they talked.
"So Michael tell us about yourself" Tim said.
"W-well I used t-to be an e-editor and I w-would work out I-I guess" I say.
"Well do you like babies" Ross asked.
"I guess" I say confused.
Adam walks over to me and places a baby in my lap.
( This is das position
O o
| / /\
----   -
He is on my knees)
[That fucking description I suck lolz]
I look at him kind of worried that I will do something wrong then it's like time stops. Just then an angel appears in front of me.
"Michael you remember why you have black wings right" he asked me.
Oh ya now I remember.

{wewowewo flash back}

I was with my friend Alvaro. I as a protector of beings am supposed to protect Alvaro. We were at the park when a gang of people walked up to us. We just started walking the other way but they grabbed me and him. He was trying to take his money. He didn't have any so they shot him. I was crying as time stopped. Alvaro's soul left his body and I seen it.
"Don't worry I will give you another chance but I will pick later" he said and left.
I was heart broken but as a payment of that my wings are black so I am feared. It wasn't his fault it was the rules. As we go back into reality I am some where else about 50 ft. away.

{flash back over wewowewo}

I nod towards to Alvaro.
"Well you must protect Mason from anything that troubles him" he says.
I nod as Mason giggles.
He disappeared and time stats again. Mason giggles as I look at him.
"Don't worry I will always protect you no matter what" I whisper.
He laughs and says "Assswww". (Ass lolz) Everyone 'awws' and continued talking.
"So what do you want to do" I ask kind of bored.
"Well we can take the dogs for a walk" Max says.
They all nod and get up. I pick up Mason giving him to Adma, who gave him the the girl.
"Oh this is Alesa" he said.
I nod and we get leashes for the dogs.

×Adam's POV×

As we were walking Ash kept glancing over at Mason who giggled every time. I looked back and Red and Barney were holding hands. I just couldn't resist.
"REDNEY" I yell.
All the guys looked back and chuckled as Red and Barney let go and scoot away from each other red faced and embarrassed.

+Time skip home+ (Ash's POV)

We get home and the two that Adam yelled REDNEY at went to their rooms.
"Why did he yell Redney" I asked.
"People ship us at the offices, and they say Michael and John are dating. Its pretty funny" Nick told me.
"So how are you lycan" Eren asked.
"I was born this way a long with a couple of other quirks" I say.
That when they got a little more interested.
"What do you mean quirks" Nick asked.
"I-I have more d-difference" I stutter.
"Tell us please we want to know more about you and us for that matter since we barley know why we are this way" Nick asked kindly.
It was a little weird but I took off my jacket and spread out my wings. The guys looked at me in horror. Eren ran to the hallway and Nick stood there.
"I-I'm s-sorry if I-I scared y-you. I-I was born t-this way j-just they weren't black" I say backing up.
Red, Barney, and Eren come running in.
"She is like you Eren but with wings" Barney says.
Red starts walking towards me.
"Stop she will hurt you" Nick yells.
"No I won't there this way because i-i-" I couldn't finish the sentence it was like it was stuck in my throat.
They all looked at me.
"I DIED PROTECTING SOMEONE I LOVED" i yelled with tears streaming down my face.
"He was trying to protect me with we were getting robbed and got shot" I cried dropping to my knees.
Red started walking towards me but I put my wings around me so he can't. This is how I feel with problems, I block everyone out so no one knows my dark secrets.
"How did you know about me" I ask.
"My mom told me that everyone with black wings were evil and took people's lives so they could never go to heaven" Nick said.
"That's not true we protect people" I yell.

(Barney's POV)

He eyes were turning red and she yelled. We all started backing up as a bright white light surrounded he and she turned into a wolf. She looked so scared. She have scars all over he body.
"Eren can you do that" I ask.
My brother and grandpa were the only alive ones that were half wolf.
"I don't know" he said.
She looked at us and started backing up and she turned back.
"I'm sorry please don't call the cops I have to protect someone" she says.
We all nod and sit on the couch as she explains what happens. But never who she is protecting.
After all of this we go to sleep.

(Michael's POV)

After they sleep I look through there cabinets and find some sleeping pills. I grab 2 for 8 hours and mix it in with some water. I chug the water and lay down soon drifting to sleep.
How was that exciting or scary hopefully I will get you some more chapters I have just been really busy bc my mom is suck and my dad's is at work making money so I take care of her. I love all of you guys.

Ash out

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