Chapter 24 : Long talks

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Savannah: Hey umm... Can I ask you something?
Laura: Of course! What's up?
Savannah: Well you know my parents and splitting. Laura nodded. Well I asked them why and it is because my dad had a affair.
Laura: Savannah are you okay? I shakes my head no.
Savannah: That is what I wanted to talk to you about. I can even look at my dad without getting mad.
Laura: Have you told Riker?
Savannah: I was going to but you know Riker. He will worry about me.
Laura: Okay I see your point but you need to tell him. Maybe he can help you and if you would like you can sleepover for a couple days if you want to get out of the house.
Savannah: I would like that but I don't think I can. I have to talk to my dad at some point and if I don't do that tonight then when? Remember we leave tomorrow to go see the guys.
Laura: Right. I forgot I need to pack.
Savannah: Well I should get him and talk to my parents. You pack.
Laura: Good luck. Call me if you need anything okay?
Savannah: Okay.

At Savannah's house
Savannah: Dad we need to talk.
Savannah's Dad: Okay.
Savannah: Why? Why did you have an affair?
Savannah's Dad: I- sweetheart you don't need to worry about this.
Savannah: Dad, I can't even look at you without getting mad that you would do that to mom. I just want to know why.
Savannah's Dad: I went out the other night with a couple of friend. I saw a girl and she was pretty I wasn't thinking and one thing became another.
Savannah: So you really are leaving mom?
Savannah's Dad: I'm still going to be around. You can even stay with us.
Savannah: Us? As in you and that girl? You think I would be okay with you leaving mom and stay with you? Well I'm not and I am not living with you and mom.
Savannah's Dad: What do you mean? You are not allowed to live on your own!
Savannah: I am over 18 I can move if I want.
Savannah's Dad: You really want to do that?
Savannah: yes and theirs nothing you can do about it.

On tour with the Lynch  Family

Rydel: So when are the besties coming?
Riker: They are coming tomorrow.
Riker: I thought you knew it is Paris and u want to be their with the love of my life.
Rydel: You really love her?
Riker: I do.
Rydel: Do you think someone will ever love me?
Riker: Rocky, Dad, Ross, Ryland, and mom all love you.
Rydel: I know and I love you guys. But you know what I mean.
Riker: I am sure you will find someone who loves you.
Rydel: Me too. she said as you falls asleep talking to me on the couch.

In the other room
Ellington: What do I do?
Rocky: Dude, just ask her out.
Ryland: You act like this is your first time asking someone out.
Ellington: It is just I know that if she says yes then it will be her first day.
Rocky: Just ask her out okay?
Ellington: Yea.

The next day
(Savannah and Laura are with Riker and Ross)
Ellington: Okay follow me.
Rydel: Why?
Ellington: Please just trust me and close your eyes.
Rydel: okay....
Are we almost their?
Ellington: Almost okay... Now open your eyes.
Rydel was amazed. It was beautiful. In front of her was Rydel will you go out will me? Written in the sand.
Ellington: So what do you say?

As always thank you for reading and I know I have not been updating a lot but I have had a lot of tests and homework. But we are going camping this week my class and I. I should have a lot of free time at night. So when I get back I will update a lot. Please vote and comment!!!  On tell next time.
~Courtney Luna

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