Over-Powerful OCs

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We all know someone (*cough cough* you know who you are *cough cough*) who has a wayyyy overpowered OC. And if you're like me,


Which is why you're probably not like me. Anyway, an OC is an original character used in a story, oneshot, artwork, etc. Some OCs are hybrids--half-human, half-whatever-- and some have awesome powers like sorcery or super strength. These hybrids and superpowers are very useful in some situations, like role plays. Sometimes, though, they just get really fucking annoying.

Also, I would like to note that this chapter is not meant to hurt or target any one person, just overpowered OCs in general.

Let's say I have a friend named Kristen. She creates an OC that is half-bacca*, half lava mob, Herobrine's daughter, and a Creepypasta. She has drawn her OC before, and showed it to me, but she's portrayed as a human, even though she should be a furry, molten mess. I, for one, don't know how that's possible, but I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt.

Also, this character could easily take over the world. Very easily. Nobody stands a chance against them! It would be like fighting a winged, immortal, limitless Voldemort, for crying out loud! Or an immortal, fire-immune Hydra!

The most important thing about a character is how easily the reader can relate to the character. These overpowered OCs are next to impossible to relate to, making the reader say "Meh," if you decide to kill them off instead of bawling their eyes out.

And yes, getting a reader to bawl their eyes out is a good thing.

So please, when signing up for a oneshot, a story, or even writing your own, remember:

-Don't put a vision of a hairy monster into the reader's mind instead of a human.

-Make the character relateable.



We're not all fire-breathing Barbies, you know.

*The correct term is acutally "Wookiee". Chewbacca was a particular Wookiee, not his own species. This annoys me, but not enough for its own chapter. Yet.

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