7. Writer

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I am I writer.

I am unique.

I have had people come up to me,

Asking if I'm okay,

Asking if I'm depressed.

I ask why

They would think that.

They reply,

'I saw your writing.'

I smile,

And say no.

I'm quite the opposite.

I'm happy and energetic,

But I'm also a writer.

I have never been in love,

I have never really had a heartbreak,

I have never been depressed.

But I have been curious.

I am curious,

About what it's like for people

To go through certain situations.

So I try

To think about what it would feel like if I,

Fell in love,

Had my heart shattered,

Felt alone and sad,

And then,

I write.

Because I am a writer .

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