Chapter 6

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(Harry's POV)

I slept for a little bit on the plane ride considering it was six hours and I had only slept for three hours before that. I had watched a movie, listened to music and watched some TV shows but it couldn't help my boredom and it didn't help that Jack and Angus were asleep.

The other boys were sleeping as well when I looked over. Ben and Jimmy were really close which wasn't unusual. They have some type of bromance going on. Nate was spread out in the two chairs with his headphones in.

I figured Brin would be asleep since she can sleep anywhere and Sammi is probably asleep too. Elizabeth is most likely not asleep because her and I just can't fall asleep easily like other people can. I can't fall asleep in a chair or in a car. It's just in the family.

"What are you doing up?" A petite and tired voice asked from the walkway. I looked up to find my beautiful girlfriend, staring at me with tired eyes and a small smile.

"Can't sleep." I sighed.

"Aw poor baby. How about you go get something to eat and maybe you'll get tired, yeah?" She laughed as I nodded, following her to the kitchen part of the plane.

She grabbed some juice an I laughed at her small obsession with that certain brand. I grabbed a soda and she took out some pretzels. We sat at the table and ate for a little while, talking about how excited we are as she explained what the house looked like and what's in it. Sounds pretty good and I haven't even seen it. I yawned and she laughed.

"Told you you'd get tired." She laughed as she yawned as well.

"You know, yawning is contagious." I teased.

She cleaned up a little bit and grabbed my hand as she led me towards my seat.

"Hope you sleep babe. We have like two hours left." She smiled tiredly and I pecked her lips, sitting in my seat comfortably and finally falling asleep.

My eyes fluttered open when my seat jolted. I looked to my right out the window and saw we had landed. Finally!

I put everything back into my backpack and the captain announced we could leave.

"Did you sleep well?" Brinley asked, laughing a little.

"I did actually. Wasn't that bad after I got to talk to you." I smiled and quickly kissed her.

We walked down the stairs of the jet and saw two different men getting our luggage out from under the plane. I grabbed my two suitcases after putting my backpack on my back and we wheeled them towards the limo that was waiting. The air was warm unlike cool summer mornings in North Carolina.

"Guys put your stuff in the trunk and get in the limo. Carter is going to take us to the house." Elizabeth ordered.

She was always organized, loved having a schedule, and liked being orderly about what was going on. That's why we couldn't be more different. People usually think twins are very similar. Ha!

I was the last one to put my bag in the trunk and I shut it easily. I climbed into the limo and shut the door. I was next to Luke, and he was next to Jimmy, then Nate, Ben, Jack, Elizabeth, Brinley and Sammi.

We turn the lights off and the top of the limo had the ceiling covered in different colored lights. I could definitely get used to this. I mean I think we are going to be having drivers all summer but I'm not sure.

The ride was quite long as we headed farther away from the city to more of the large and calm houses. We passed mansion after mansion and they just kept getting bigger! My eyes widened even more at every one we saw was massive.

We finally arrived at this gate which quickly opened for us and Carter pulled in. The driveway was very long and lots of elegant plants and trees up the way. We kept driving and stopped right in front of the house- or should I say, mansion. More like a hotel. This was the biggest house I've ever seen. The front was very fancy and the driveway was classy looking. The driver kept driving towards the back of the house and parked in front of what I'm guessing is the garage.

I eyed the luxurious backyard and noticed a softball/baseball field, Olympic sized pool, and stone patio. Can't wait to see the inside if the outside is this good.

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