Chapter 20

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(Elizabeth's POV)

I woke up and checked my phone, realizing it was 8 am. I hauled myself out of bed and into my bathroom where I brushed my hair and put it into a messy bun, splashed my face with cold water and brushed my teeth.

I left my room and headed downstairs, finding no one. That's weird. I checked the living room; empty. Dining room; empty. Kitchen; empty. Every bedroom; empty. That was weird. There was even a car gone from the garage, so obviously they decided to leave me while I was sleeping.

I went back to my room and got my phone, and dialed Brinley's number. No answer. I then dialed Sammi's number. No answer. I was running out of options, so I dialed Harry's number. Finally someone picked up.

"Hello?" I heard he ask in his morning voice usually indicating he just woke up, but he's not home so where would he sleep..

"Where the hell is everyone?"

"Oh shit!" I heard someone curse.

"Harry what's going on?"

"We all went to the beach last night and had like a bonfire and everything and fell asleep." He replied annoyed.

"Oh okay. When are you coming back?"

"I think were going to stay here all day. Come down here! The night was awesome and the day should be even better. It's a private beach right down the street from the house. Jack and I even walked."

"Okay I'll be right down." I said before hanging up.

I went up to my room and put on a bathing suit with shorts and a tank, only to get a text from Sam.

Sam 💁- hey can you bring Brin and I bathing suits? all of the boys are going to swim in their shorts and we are just wearing clothes.

Me- yeah sure. did you go swimming last night?

Sam 💁- I didn't swim. Brin did but she was in her bra and underwear 😂. she's crazy. get down here!!

Me- okay okay I'm coming. be there in ten

I put my phone down and went to Brinley's room and grabbed her light pink v-wire bandeau top and matching pink bottoms. When I went to Sammi's room I got an aqua bandeau top and printed bottoms with aqua in it.

Once I put them in a bag and some towels, I left the house and decided to walk since it was so nice out. My sunglasses were barely reducing the glare from the sun and I had been paying so much attention to my surroundings it seemed to be 30 seconds until I was at the beach.

I noticed everyone laying down on the beach as I walked through the sand until I finally reached the group.

"Hey!" Sam greeted me as I sat down next to her.

Nate, Sam and Harry were lying on their stomachs, and Brinley was laying on Harry's back for who knows what reason, they're a weird couple. Jack, Jimmy and Luke were sitting upright and I realized Ben wasn't here.

"Uh, where's Ben?" I asked.

"Oh, were not really sure. He went on a walk earlier." Jimmy laughed.

"We probably should've sent someone with him since he was a little drunk last night." Harry chuckled.

"Well idiot you should've gone." Brin lightly smacked his head.

"I would've if someone wasn't sleeping on me!" He protested.

"That's false because you were next to me!" He quickly turned over and she was straddling his stomach and they started teasing each other and interlocked their fingers.

"Can you guys not fuck around? Thanks." Luke snapped.

"What's wrong Luke? Are you mad that all you ever did was screw a girl and have never had an actual relationship?" I slipped out, quickly covering my mouth. Damn it why did I have to make everything awkward and full of tension?

Everyone's mouths were wide open and they mumbled some ooh's, trying to look anywhere else but Luke's cold stare.

"That's funny. At least I can get someone in bed with me." He smirked.

"Guys just shut the fuck up so we can have a good day here at the beach!" Brinley groaned and everyone agreed.

"Brin, let's go change." Sammi suggested, grabbing the bag and walking to who knows where.

All of the boys were walking to the water when Luke stopped. "Aren't you coming swimming?" He asked.

"No. I want to tan."

"Suit yourself. The suns pretty bright." He stated.

"I'm fine Luke. Thanks for your concern, but I know how I can be healthy and get a tan." He shrugged and left.

Finally, to tan. I'm gonna be golden brown by the end of the day.

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