Our lives once worthless; We're sure to change

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So, as promised, I'm back with something new! This time I don't have the purpose to break your hearts! I'm sorry if this chaper may seem boring to you, it's an introduction and i will post chapter 2 today too, but then i'm gonna stick to one chapter at a time as before. So i don't wanna annoy you any longer with this stuff, have fun reading :)

Until my next letter or never, Chan


Laurence Beveridge, Kier Kemp, Drew Woolnough, Shane Sumner and Luke Illingworth had been best friends from earliest childhood on. Kier, the youngest of them has just turned 18, Laurence had already been 18 for a while now, Drew and Shane are turning 19 soon and Luke recently turned 20. They all have a dream for quite some time now, they wanted to move out of the big city as soon as possible. Now, where Kier is 18 they can finally do it. They're looking for houses outside of the big city, but haven't found anything suitable yet because everything is too expensive, even though Laurences parents are ok with supporting them financially. They also didn't want to rent a flat since all they found were small, and the guys really wanted to move in together. Until one day:

Drew was about to go to bed since it has already been late as suddenly his phone rang, it was Luke calling. „Drew! You won't believe it, I found a house we can afford!" The voice of Luke sounded really excited, which lead Drew to ask him „What? Where? Tell me more!" Excitedly Luke asked Drew „Do You know that village called Blacksville, not far from here?" The village's name sounded quite familiar to Drew , but he doesn't really know the village, so he answered to Luke „Erm, i guess I heard the name before..." Luke asked „meeting at my house in an hour, I'll get the others to come too?" The fact that Luke had found a suitable house made Drew really excited so he replied to his friend's offer „Fine, I was about to go to bed, but i'll come, if we now hesitate too long, the house might be gone." As the call ended, Drew happily got ready to go to Lukes house.

Laurence went to bed early today as he had a long and tiring day with his sister. Suddenly he was woken up by his phone ringing. „Who ever this is, i'm going to kill you for waking me up in the middle of the night!" Grumpily he picked up the phone and answered with a really angry sounding voice „What!?" Luke, already used to Laurence getting upset easily, answered „Laurence! You won't believe it, I found a house we can afford!" Annoyed, Laurence grumbled into the phone „And that doesn't have time until tomorrow, have you looked at the fucking clock!?" Not paying attention to Laurences never ending bad mood, Luke replied „With that price it will be gone soon so we better won't waste any time! Come on Laurence, meeting at my house in an hour!" Still in a bad mood due to being woken up, Laurence continued grumbling „Fine, I hope for you this isn't a joke, otherwise your „House" will be six feet under!"His mood still not better, Laurence ended the call and unwillingly got ready to go to Luke's house.

Kier, that little night owl wasn't even thinking about going to bed yet as his phone rang, „Yeah Luke, what's up?" he answered the phone with his typical happiness. „Kier! You won't believe it, I found a house we can afford" Kier got excited as he heard this „Oh my god, That's amazing, Shall I come over?" Kiers never ending happiness made Luke giggle „yeah, That's what I was gonna ask, meeting at my house in an hour?" Kier giggled too „Sure, see you then" He ended the call with a bright smile on his face. Happily, he sang his favorite song to himself while getting ready to meet up with Luke, he was glad that they now finally have a realistic chance to fulfill their dream.

Shane went to bed early tonight, as he usually does since he was a little sleepy head, he was dreaming about living on a farm in a village as Lukes call woke him up, Shane rubbed his eyes and picked up the phone „What do you want from me?" he asked sleepily, a slight annoyance form being woken up was heard either „Shane! You won't believe it, I found a house we can afford!" As Shane heard those words, he immediately was wide awake „Really?" he asked, not believing his own ears. Luke replied „Yes, Really, Meeting at my house in an hour?" Shane simply said „Ok" and ended the call, he got out of bed in a for him rarely high speed and got ready to go to Lukes house.

An hour later as they all arrived at Lukes house, Luke showed them the advertisement of this rather big house. The advertisement said that it used to be a farm many years ago, but now has been empty for quite some time. The incredibly low price was justified with „Some work has to be done due to the house being old and empty for quite some time." Everyone looked at the advertisement in disbelief „Just the symbolic price of £1 Is that real or some kind of error" Shane asked. Kier, who had mentally been in some kind of horror film, commented joking „The house is haunted that's why it's just the symbolic price of £1! Have a look at it, old farm that had been empty for a while! That must be some haunted shit!" Drew, Shane and Luke laughed at it, but Laurence complained „That shit only exists in horror films, can't you just be serious for once! We want to fulfill our dream not apply as actors for a horror film or something!" Immediately Laurence laughed at his own joke, he just can't be mad at Kier, which made Kier join in the laughing, but soon Luke chimed in „can we go back to serious now because we need to discuss if we want to buy that house or not." In order to start the discussion, Drew said „If that really costs £1 we shouldn't hesitate, better call them tomorrow and ask if that's true!" He pointed at the phone number in the advertisement. Shane quietly commented „I have the feeling that there's something wrong" Drew softly said to Shane, in order to try to calm him down „Shaney, don't worry" as Laurence secretly rolled his eyes while thinking „Shane the clairvoyant" Kier was, as usual, lost in thoughts about it being some kind of horror film. Shane, who was getting tired kept yawning as Drew kept making one joke after the other until he Suddenly stopped joking in order to make a suggestion „Well I guess we should meet again tomorrow, because Shaney is getting tired." To substantiate his suggestion, he pointed at Shane, who now fell asleep. „Luke call there tomorrow morning" Drew continued and Luke agreed. Drew softly woke up Shane and then they all went home.

The next day, they met up at Lukes house again. „Now tell us, how did the call go?" Kier asked impatiently. „well" Luke started his answer „I called that number right as I woke up this morning, There's no mistake at all, and they said that the only reason that it is so cheap is that there is a lot of work to do so I guess it's ok that I bought the house. The call was kinda mysterious tho, at the end of the call, that person told me „good luck" with a weird sound in his voice and he will come over soon to get the £1 and give us the keys. He doesn't even want to make a proper contract." They all agreed that it was weird and Kier had a big smile on his face „Well it's a real haunted house! I can't wait to move in with the ghost!" The others laughed at Kier, except Laurence, he rolled his eyes. Suddenly the doorbell rang. Luke opened the door, it was a mysterious man that introduced himself as the one Luke spoke to on the phone call earlier this morning, so Luke gave him the money and the man gave him the keys and a little piece of paper with the exact address of the house.

All 5 are happy now! The dream is fulfilled, They can leave behind their problems, and the village is just about 1 hour drive away so they can also easily visit family. It was an amazing feeling for them to leave behind all those problems that the big city gave them.

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