chpater 1

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My name is Amy (i am not in this story). I think that i am a tuff person. The reason why is that i don't really care about love. Me and my buddy Emily goes around talking to boys and end up stealing there money.
"Hi there"i said. I talk to them for a while and then go to there place. When we get there i steal his wallet and give it to my friend Emily. After that i leave and Emily hack in to his credit cards. After this happened i was not a tuff person no more cause i fell in love with someone. Here is how the story went. It was in the morning when i got up and changed i went to the coffee shop to meet Emily. We both sit down and talk. "Who is the next person"i said
"his name is Jesse"
"where do we find him"i said
"at the coffee shop"
"we are at the coffee shop" i said
"I know he comes here to read he should be coming in right about now" I turned around and looked at the door i seen a man coming in with a book. I turned back to Emily. "Is that him" i whispered "yes"
"you did not tell me that we was going to do this now"i said "sorry now go get him" she said getting out of her chair and pulling me up. I walked over there and sat down with him. "Hi"i said as my stomach dropped i had never been like this before. "Hi" he said we had talked for a very long time. Then he asked me out to dinner at his place. When i told Emily that she said that i had one more day to get his wallet. (The next day). When i woke i  went to his place. I nocked on the door and waited for him to answer. I had that felling again my stomach had dropped. Then i was thinking was i falling in love.

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