Contest 3: "Echoes in the Woods" September 4-October 4, 2016

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   Good day, everyone! It's hard to believe it, but it seems our next contest is already upon us!
   The theme of this contest will be "Echoes in the Woods," chosen by the winner of our last contest, Maelstrom_Blue. Your entry can be any length (as long as it isn't like...ten words), and how you use the title you've been given is entirely up to you! It could be about a magical forest protected by phantom knights, a boy who is lost in the woods and can't escape, or anything else that you can think of, so long as you stick with the theme! As you write, be creative! Let your imagination run wild and don't let little mistakes hold you back.
   I'll be looking for effort, so do the best that you can with the time you've been given! Also--as a side note--if you feel like the timeframe isn't long enough, just let me know. Things can be changed to give you more wiggle room!
   Well, I'll see you soon! Have fun writing, Wattpaders!

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