Contest 3: "Echoes in the Woods" -- Results

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Hey there, everyone! Time certainly has flown, hasn't it? The end of another contest is upon us, and I'm proud to announce that--after extending the contest another day--the winner of Contest 3: "Echoes in the Woods" is...
...Mara Trey!
Congratulations, Mara Trey, on your fantastic work! Your submission was eloquent and absorbing, and I enjoyed it very much. Your prize is votes on every chapter of one of your books and your choice on one of these three titles for Contest 4:
Binding Darkness
The Legend of Fate
Wings of Light
Mara Trey's entry can be found in her book Echoes in the Woods! To those of you looking to enter the next contest, I will announce Contest 4 once the theme is chosen. I encourage everyone to participate and invite their friends to do so, as well.
Happy late Thanksgiving! I'll see you all soon!

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