Contest 6: "The Lives of Elves" -- July 4, 2017-August 10, 2017

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Hey, and welcome back to Fantasy Contests! It's been months since our last contest, and I am beyond excited for our new one!
A disclaimer before we begin, I would really appreciate if you shared this contest with your friends or helped me get the word out. I love any entries, but I'm really looking for some competition. ;) That's understandable for a judge, isn't it? Also, if you would like to apply to be a judge, I will make a separate chapter for that after this one.
This contest's theme is "The Lives of Elves." That will mean different things for different people, so I don't expect your entries to all be the same! Your work could detail the everyday life of an elf that is shunned by his society, or an elf that was separated from the one she loved by her long lifespan! It could weave myths about elves and their whereabouts, or even make their lives as easy-to-understand as the lives of you and me! I'm looking for creativity here, so don't feel too bound by the theme.
   As for now, all that's left is for you to write! Have fun, and show me what you've got!

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