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With growing agitation, Sarah led Sienna off the Ferris wheel and went straight to her brother.

“Where’s Rose?” Archer asked as they reached him. His jaw was clenched, his body riddled with tension, and he took Sienna’s arm to draw her closer.

“I’ll find her,” Sarah replied. “You take Sienna. What’s happened?”

“I’ll call you when I know. Declan and Ethan are on their way.”

They separated, their night marred with everything they’d been hoping to avoid. Acting on instinct, Sarah headed straight for the forest.

Rose was up to something.

The older witch had been secretive and quiet the last few days, silently disappearing on her own for lengths of time, much of which was spent with Lora.

And Sarah had spent enough time with witches to know that when two of them were clouded in secrecy that trouble was brewing.

A quick glance at the full moon confirmed her suspicions.

Witches loved forests, especially the ones in Rapid Falls, which were steeped with its own magical history. But the only thing that witches loved more than the forest was a full moon.

And tonight, the moon was at its ripest, offering all the energy they might need.

Sarah kept a keen eye on her surroundings to ensure no one was following her as she made her way into the forest, following their tracks with ease. She cherished the supernatural abilities that came with being a Keeper.

Finding the witches didn’t take long, her heightened hearing easily tracking them in the dark, and every protective instinct had her wanting to bolt toward them and demand an explanation.

Instead, she held back, surprised to find them already amidst a ceremony.

They’d cast a circle and stood in the centre, holding hands.

Surrounding them were four burning candles that illuminated their faces in a gentle glow of yellow. The air was permeated with soft whispers that immediately had Sarah on edge. 

She considered leaving them alone but something about the secrecy of the ritual kept her rooted to the spot. 

Performing a ritual in the middle of the forest on the same evening as the carnival meant that Rose was either doing something that couldn’t wait or – knowing that everyone would be occupied – performing a ritual that no one would witness.

And she hadn’t said a word to her Keepers.

Sienna looked at the two older witches, both oblivious to her presence. It was a surprise that Lora was taking part in the ritual as she’d made it clear many years ago that although she was a witch and a messenger of The Circle, she was no longer a practicing one. Not after her daughter and granddaughter had fled their life and cut all ties with Lora.

Sarah frowned at Rose, wondering what the older witch was up to. Rose was tall and slim with shoulder-length red hair, lighter than Sienna’s, and kind eyes that Sarah had known her entire life.

Tonight, her face was lined with worry and everything about the way she stood hinted at the weariness that lurked.

The soft chanting grew faster and more forceful, a rush of whispered words in the darkness. The air grew warmer and the flames from the candles burned brighter, feeding off the energy of the witches.

Rose’s hands, still gripped firmly within Lora’s, began to tremble, and Sarah’s protective Keeper instincts bristled.

But she knew better than to startle witches amidst a ceremony. 

The chanting grew louder and everything around them shifted.

It was an odd sensation, but Sarah felt the energy change around them.

The ground within the circle began to stir, a gentle swirling of sand, and then settled to reveal four stones that rattled against each other.

And just like that, it was over and everything fell silent.

Rose released Lora’s hands and went to her knees.

Unable to stop herself, Sarah was on the floor beside her before the older woman touched the ground.

Rose gasped. “Sarah!”

“What are you doing, Rose?” Sarah eyed the stones with suspicion as recognition sparked. “You’ve summoned the stones that unseal the Grimoires?”

Four magical stones and a spell from a Beckham witch were the keys to unsealing the Beckham and the Brogan Grimoires.

Summoning the stones from the four witches who protected them wasn’t something Rose did lightly. The fear of the books landing in the wrong hands always lingered. The fact that she’d done so now sent prickles of alarm through Sarah.

“Why?” Sarah asked, her stomach clenching. “You know that the Brogan brothers could return any minute!” 

Rose fell silent, her eyes a mixture of wariness and determination.

“I need my Grimoire open, Sarah.”

“But those stones unseal their Grimoire too. Summoning them is a huge risk.”

“It’s a risk we have to take. I’m no use to any of you if I can’t access my Grimoire.”

“Why tonight? Why the sudden need?”

Rose’s expression tightened and she lowered her eyes. “I don’t know. I can’t explain it.”

Sienna’s story of the faceless man in the mirrors came to mind and she slumped to her knees beside the witch. “Something horrible is about to happen, isn’t it?”

The Keepers: Sienna (FREE Prequel)Where stories live. Discover now