Knowls Shadow

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Knowl Shadows

I looked through my aim point,setting my finger on the trigger as I squatted down and scanning the meadow for any Weres.

After a few minutes of frustration and irritation I pulled out my earpiece and clicked the small call button. "Got anything?" I asked still scanning the area.

"There's one coming your way right now." My dad responded and right after he said it, the wolf shot to the middle of the meadow limping and had clearly injured itself. I took my time and slowly pulled the trigger, hitting my target.

"I got her." I reported into my earpiece. I pulled it out of my ear and walked to the wolf that was now transforming into a girl about 17, my age. She yowled in pain and glared at me with hatred so deep I almost wanted to run. Almost. I sighed and bended down next to her and she growled at me.

"Whoa there. I'm just doing my job." I said with a small laugh. She didn't find it funny at all.

"What do you Blackwoods want?" She spat. I gave her a small smile and stood.

"I don't know what he wants with you, but I'm sure it's nothing to serious, because he told me to shoot you down and don't kill you. But I'm a little hard headed." I said, slowly circling her. Those amber eyes lit a fire as I smirked and I immediately figured out why she looked so familiar. "You're Amber Collins. Alpha Collins daughter. Well I guess I have to be a good person and let you go. Since I have an undeniable respect for your mother and father. Your resemblance to your father saved you." I put on my magnetic glove and hovered it above the spot where I had shot her and the bullet flew out and fell into my hand. She gasped in pain and relief as her wounded quickly healed and it was as if it wasn't ever there.

She caught her breath and said, "Thank you. I'll be sure to tell my father of your respect and promise. Until next time Sherave." With that she was gone. My dad's voice echoed through my earpiece and I clipped it on my ear. "Yes, father?" I bluntly dragged out. "You let her escape?" It more of an answer than a question.

"Yep, you know how much respect I have for the Collins and you of all people should have the most for them." I retorted plainly.

"It doesn't matter. She's a Were and we are Hunters. We cannot let this happen again. No matter who it is, there's a reason to why we do what we do." He frustrated out.

"Yeah, yeah. I know. I have to go back home. School starts tomorrow and I have to print out my schedule. Bye, love ya." He mumbled something them hung up the phone.

I sighed as I plopped down onto my bed and hugged my pillows and curled into my sheets. Ahh, nothing does you good like a nice, long, hot shower.


I Don't Do Unnecessary Authors Notes..

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