Chapter 4

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"Ummm . . .where is Piper?" My voice comes out more of a squeak than I intended. My hands are clenched around the towel and my eyes keep darting down to make sure I'm covered.

"Mmm I dunno," he mumbles and turns on the small flat screen on Piper's dresser. What is he even doing here if he doesn't know where she is? Doesn't he have his own room? I bite my tongue to keep myself from saying something rude.

"Well um, could you leave or something so I can get changed?" I realize that he hasn't even noticed that I'm in just a towel. Or maybe he has and isn't fazed.

"It's not like I'm going to look," he scoffs and rolls over, covering his eyes with his hands. He has a small accent that sounds like he's from New York or somewhere north eastern. Why is he even in Washington? Unsure of what to say to his comment, I huff and walk over to my dresser. Maybe he is gay and that's what he meant by Its not like I'm going to look, either that or he thinks I'm ugly. I hastily put on a bra and panties. Then I slip on a white shirt and khakis.

"Are you done yet?" That's it.

"Could you be anymore disrespectful? I mean honestly you're in MY room while I change and have the nerve to be rude to me? I didn't do anything to you, what is your problem?" Judging by the look on his face my words had the slightest effect on him.

Just when I think he is going to apologize he bursts into laughter. He just looks at me and laughs. His laugh would have been nice if he wasn't a jerk. Creases appear next to his eyes. I normally do not like conflict and this seems like the last type of person I should get in a fight with. The door opens and Piper comes in.

"Sorry I'm late I have a hell of a hangover," her eyes meet mine and then go over to him.

"Sorry Annabeth I forgot to tell you Percy was coming over."

I would like to think of us as friends but with her choice of friends I don't know if it would work.

"You're boyfriend is rude," I say to her.

They both burst out laughing. Why is everyone laughing at me? This is starting to get really annoying.

"Percy is not my boyfriend." She turns to him, "what did you say to her?"

He shrugs and changes the channel.

She sighs, "Percy just has a, uh . . . unique way of conversing. Well there's a party tonight, you should come."

It is my turn to laugh at her. " Parties aren't really my thing, and anyway I have to get some stuff for my side of the room," I answer.

"C'mon just one party! It won't hurt, you're in college now. How will you get to the store anyway? I thought you didn't have a car."

"I won't know anyone there and I was going to take the bus to the store." Percy laughs.

"You don't want to take the bus on Saturday! It's too crowded. And Percy will drop you off on the way to his place . . . right Percy? And you'll know me at the party, please come!" she begs.

I've only known her for a day. I know that despite her tough appearance she is quite sweet. But a party?

"I don't know, and no I don't want Percy to drive me to the store," he rolls over with amused expression.

"Oh no! I was really looking forward to hanging out with you," he says, voice full of sarcasm.

I resist the urge to throw a lamp at his head.

"C'mon Pipes, you know this girl isn't coming to a party," he laughs and for some reason I want to prove him wrong.

"Actually I'll come," I say with as sweet of a smile I can muster. Percy laughs again and Piper squeals with delight.

"Yay! We'll have so much fun!" she squeals as she hugs me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2013 ⏰

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