|On your right!| Tchalla X Gender Fluent Reader

975 13 1

Warnings: Nah fam

Summary: Race track and Fluff

Stark towers had upgraded. When I say upgraded I mean, changed location, had more stuff and was just all together, ten times better. The old one in NewYork still existed, it just didn't go by Stark, more so like Potts.

Everyone was enjoying the new tower. It had a huge gym, pool, race track, stable and even a trampoline room. Tony said it would help with all our issues because apparently, every fucking superhero has problems.

He was sort of right, the location did help; it was in the middle of the woods, away from busy stress NY.

Tchalla, a new addition to the team, had greatly appreciated everything. He ran track every day, then cooled off at the pool, then practices his horsemanship, because, in Wakanda, there weren't many horses. He also practiced his gymnastic skills every day at the trampolines; everyone needed some flexibility.

Today, you woke up with a smile. Bright and early too, maybe it was because you had a good night's sleep? Because there weren't any peeping cars and police sirens every two seconds.

You roll out of bed, after checking all your social media. Today you felt like working out, so you grabbed your sports clothing and got dressed. You checked yourself in the mirror, before going to the main kitchen.

"Good Morning- (Y/N)." You heard the voice of Steve Rogers choke. Lifting a brow, you look at him. "What's wrong?" You asked. He had a slight blush sprawled on his features. "Uh- nothing! I just said good morning." He obviously lied.

You just shrugged it off. It was probably because you were wearing that pair of pants, that hugged your butt just right, he was so sensitive.

You ate breakfast, made a smoothie and talked to Steve for a while. "So how's that whole bisexual thing working out for you?" You asked biting in your toast.

"Good, everyone seems pretty accepting which is great." He blushed and smiled.

You finished your food and brought your protein shake with you to the track. On your way out of the door, you slipped on your running shoes.

"All set." You mumbled to yourself.

Arriving at the track, you set your stuff down on a bench. You secured your laces, strapped on your phone and took a drink of the shake.

You start off with warmups, stretching your arms, calves, thighs. Rolled your ankles and wrists a bit. Did the bridge a few times to loosen your back and worked with your neck.

"Hey (Y/N)," Tchalla said placing his stuff next to yours. "Hey! Good morning." You greeted, he smiled. "I'd love to chat, but I gotta go." You pointed towards the track and he nodded, starting his stretches as well.

You put your music on shuffle and start out with a jog. Your legs finding the right rhythm, smooth steps were taken because of your gel platform shoes.

It felt good. You steady your breath, listening to your favourite song. You sang along in your head, still focusing on the track. You make the turn successfully and pick up your pace.

You shift to a low-key sprint, not trying to push yourself too much. You notice that Sam and Bucky are at the benches too but you couldn't find Tchalla.

You lift a brow to yourself and just wave it off. "Strange..." You mumble to yourself.

You focus back on the track, your body becoming way more immune to this, just flowing as you please. It was easy, you were on your third lap already.

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