Hit Rewind Trailer

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Sorry for the Author's Note, but I have news.

1. The trailer for Hit Rewind is now live.  I would love your feedback, but personally I really think GodGirl91 captured the essence I was trying to convey.

Here's the link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=riyNpnYQ0ZA.  It's also above.

2. I'm looking for a name for the series.  While I have not decided whether I will go beyond Press Play, I would like something to collectively call the current two books.  I'm drawing a blank, so any suggestions are welcome.

3. If anybody wants to draw the characters for me, please PM me.  I'd love to create them myself, but my art is, uhm, lacking.  I will be open to payments if you want to do an exchange.

I think that's it for now.  Thank you all for your continued support of these books and have an awesome week.


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