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It's so simple:
Two little cookies,
A lump of frosting.
It's so common:
Four teenagers,
A meeting of friends.

When did life become so complicated
That a cookie is no longer
Just a cookie, something sweet
And a meeting of friends is just
A disguise for secrets and lies?

It's so easy:
Two loving arms,
One tight embrace.
It's so hard:
A dash of longing,
A bathtub of fear.

When did my life become so complicated
That an embrace is no longer
Just an embrace, something I crave
And my heart beats in love
At his touch but more in fear?


We're all waiting for something.
   Will for his guardians to realize he's not as he seems.
   Caitlin for Michael to walk out on her and their family.
   Me for my biggest fears to come alive and to be alone.
   Michael for him to lose everyone he's ever loved.

We're all standing on that ledge,
   Staring down, down into that ever so deep pit.
  Feeling our toes inch a little closer to the edge.
  Wondering if we really have the courage to leap.
  Hoping we'll never have to confront what lies within us.

We're all sitting on that cold tile floor.
  Weeping our eyeballs out into our laps.
  Screaming until our voices give out in despair.
  Tugging frantically at anything we can grasp.
  Staring at the blank wall numb and unfeeling.


I used to see Will and me
Painted plain as could be.
Our hands wrapped tight
Smiles beaming and bright.
His eyes filled with adoration
Never never frustration.

The paint starts to smear
When I allow in what I fear.
Our hands held loose
Smiles more and more like a noose.
His eyes filled with fear and anger
Story feeling like a cliffhanger.

I look down at the arms
Encircling me, keeping from harm.
I wonder if he ever wonders like me
As to what our futures will be.
Filled with sweet 'I love yous'
Or punctuated by a short fuse.

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