Chapter 2

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Cassie's P.O.V

James and Fred didn't listen to me. So now I'm pretty sure they took us to the past. They're such prats.

When we stopped going through time we ended up in a place like Grimmauld Place only a lot dirtier.

The first thing I do though is start hitting James. "James, Fred you prats, look at what you did! You should've listen to me!"

Before James or Fred could respond a few men came out pointing their wands at us.

Teddy quickly stood up with Vic shielding us because they obviously figured out what I have, were in the past.

The man in the front looked vaguely familiar, but I couldn't figure out who it is.

Vic's P.O.V.

Four men were standing in front of us, all of who I knew Sirius Black, Remus Lupin (Teddy's Dad), Kingsley Schaklbot, and Alastor "Mad Eye" Moody.

Then a few women aprouched. I knew all of them Grandma Molly, Nyphodora Tonks (Teddy's Mom), and one other woman whom I did not know.

"Who are you all?" said Mad Eye, "Death Eaters?!"

Grandma spoke up ,"Alastor, they're just kids! How cod they be death eaters?"

"Look at those two in the front they could be Death Eaters!"

"Were not," Teddy said quickly.

"Prove it," Mad Eye said.

Just then Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, George, my deceased uncle Fred, and Grandpa Arthur, came in.

Lily then screamed, "Daddy!!" And ran up to Harry who had a confused look on him. Ron was over their laughing his head off. Teddy ran over and picked up Lily. Who was confused for she was a little 13 year old. Who apparently hadn't caught on yet to what was going on.

Teddy very quickly explained to her what was going on she gave a death glare to her oldest brother.

End of P.O.V

Vic spoke up after a moment, " What year is it?"

Remus had a very confused look on his face but answered, "1995."

"Jane's Sirius Potter you are so dead!"

James Potter you are SO Dead!! ((DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now