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We pulled up by the venue but had to go in through the back, and all I could think was that, for a publicity stunt, I was sure being discrete.

I walked down the corridor with the large man by my side - I tried to make conversation but he seemed pretty bored, so I shut up. The closer we got to the room backstage, however, the more nervous I got.. I was about to meet a real band. Whether I was a massive fan or not, it was pretty crazy.

When I finally reached the door, it was opened before I could even touch it.. and of course, it was Luke on the other side. Always there at the best of times, right? I took a wild guess that mr. security man had messaged him though, because I could see him putting his phone away now.

"Are you gonna come in then?" He asked, raising an eyebrow as if he weren't standing in the middle of the doorway. I could hear music blasting in the room behind him.

"If you move, sure." I quipped, watching him realise his error and step aside.

"Right." He muttered, moving out of the way seemingly reluctantly, as if I'd bothered him - I just ignored it.

I walked into the room with my head down, but it didn't take long for someone to call me out after I heard the music volume being lowered.

"Are you Natalia?" I looked up to see a black haired boy gawking at me from across the room where he sat.

"What do you think, dumbass?" Luke interjected before I could respond, making the guy roll his eyes.

"Shut up, Luke." he laughed, getting up and walking towards me. "Nice to meet you, by the way. I'm Michael." He held his hand out and I happily shook it, feeling instantly more comfortable around him than Luke.

"Natalia. Well, you already knew that." I chuckled, seeing him do the same thank god.

"Woah, you have an accent - Luke, you didn't tell me she had an accent!" He gasped, seemingly starstruck as he glanced over my shoulder at Luke as I wondered - shouldn't I be the starstruck one?

"Well, so do you." I retorted with a raised eyebrow and a slight giggle. Like Luke, he had the Australian hint to his voice.

"But not like - exotic, you know what I mean." He seemed to be stuck for words as he laughed at himself bashfully, making me laugh more. Yes, I had an 'exotic' accent - Spanish, to be exact. Mixed with a bit of British from the years I'd lived in London - but it was pretty obvious he was referring to the Spanish.

"Yeah, I grew up in Costa Blanca. My last name is Andrés, just to make it more obvious." I explained, slightly amused by his own amazement and the fact that I was getting to know him better within five minutes than I had in a half an hour car ride with Luke.

"Spain, cool." Michael nodded as I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and once again his attention was locked on something.

"I like your bracelets." He pointed out, catching me off guard - I always forgot I was wearing them. I suppose when somethings a habit, it just becomes natural rather than a notable accessory.

"Oh, thanks - I like yours too." I grinned, pointing to his lowered wrist that had a stack of bracelets similar to mine.

"Thanks! I got a lot of them from the fans." He said proudly, lifting his arm and twisting the bracelets slightly. I wonder how it felt performing under high heat with all those bracelets on - I knew I struggled just walking down the street on a summer day, so it couldn't have been fun.

"That's-" I was about to say how cool it was when the same door I'd walked through flung open, catching all of our attentions.

"We're back, baby!" a voice rung out with a laugh at the end, and I located it to a guy who had a curly mane of almost brown hair and a huge grin on his face. Behind him was another dude with warm brown skin and dark, fluffy hair with blonde streaks through it - right then I realised how tall all these guys were.

"Ashton!" Michael exclaimed happily whilst making his way towards the seat he was sat in before he'd greeted me. So I guess lion hair was Ashton.

"And Calum." Said the dude that looked like a puppy - well, Calum, I guess. "Hey Luke." he walked over to Luke, who I'd almost forgotten was standing by the wall, and glanced at me momentarily before talking quietly to him. Oh god.

Before I could worry about it too much I was face to face with the Ashton guy.

"Hey, I'm Ashton Irwin. Or just Ashton." He giggled, immediately giving off a homely vibe that made me smile.

"Natalia." I replied, going to shake his hand but instead being pulled in for a hug - so far, Luke's band mates were much nicer than him. What's that about?

"I know this whole arrangement is really something, but I like to think everyone's friends around here so feel free to make yourself comfortable, y'know?" He reassured me without me even mentioning my discomfort, immediately making me far more settled than I was before - again, why couldn't Luke just be that nice?

"Thank you, that's really nice of you Ashton." I smiled, looking around momentarily before he spoke again.

"There's food and stuff in the fridge over there, if you feel like it." He informed casually whilst walking over to the couch that Michael was sat on and leaving me to stand awkwardly after I nodded. I glanced over at Calum and Luke again and saw them still quietly discussing whatever it was they were talking about, only creating more nerves in me as I thought.. did they really not like me? I mean, I'd already gathered that Luke wasn't completely fond of me but Calum? Already? I know I'd put up the front of "well if you don't like me I don't like you either", but really I'd much prefer for us all to get along..

I heard the music get turned up again and Ashton let out an excited "hell yeah", amusing me until I realised why - the song was Here I Go Again by Whitesnake, AKA an iconic hit!

I couldn't help my immediate reaction of gasping and excitedly pointing at Ashton and Michael, who were sat in front of the speakers that blared the amazing song.

"You know it?" Ashton asked, looking impressed.

"Fuck yeah I do!" I grinned, quickly covering my mouth. "Sorry- I'm excited." I giggled. Ashton did the same, surprisingly - he had a funny laugh. In the good way, of course.

"Come on over to the karaoke station!" Michael exclaimed jokingly, patting the sofa next to him. I ran over and sat down, watching as they began to belt out the lyrics - Michael on air guitar, Ashton drumming on his legs, and I felt myself coming out of my shell because music was where my heart belonged. I began to sing along, every now and then harmonising by habit because I noticed they were doing the same. It was all pretty exciting, even when I noticed Calum and Luke sending us funny looks that they hid with a smile. I wonder what they were thinking..

We only ended up jamming out to more songs, old and new, realising we had quite the similar music taste - so maybe it wouldn't be too bad.

"You're actually a pretty good singer, y'know." Ashton pointed out as the volume of the music was finally lowered.

"Oh. Thank you." I smiled, looking down momentarily. I did enjoy singing, and had actually hoped to make a career off of it.. I guess you don't always get what you want.

"He's right, you should step in for Luke sometimes." Michael laughed, making me chuckle also - surprisingly, it even gained a laugh from Luke across the room! Good, he wasn't a stone cold robot.


is this boring idk


Guideline Girlfriend // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now