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Calum POV

Honestly, I was never in the mood to go out in the first place; jet-lag was killing me and I needed a smoke, bad. We'd been at a friends place for hours, and I loved the guy but man was I tired.. and they could tell.

Ashton suggested I go back to the hotel and get some rest and I damn well didn't refuse. Not only because I was exhausted, but like I said, I needed a smoke - and I'd left my cigs at the hotel.

I made my way back to the hotel, on the way grabbing a coffee from the nearest Starbucks and trying to avoid being noticed in the meanwhile and eventually - finally - reaching the damn hotel. Of course, I got caught up with a few fans and, although I was tired, took a few complementary pictures..

Once I was walking down the hall to the hotel room, I thought it'd be easy as that; I'd get there, get in bed, and nap the rest of the day away.. but nope. In my dreams.. well, the opposite, actually.

Natalia's room was right beside ours and of course, the minute I passed it, something caught my attention - some sort of crash or bang.. whatever it was, I wanted to ignore it. Trust me, I did; I wanted to pretend I didn't hear it and keep walking so I could go to bed.. but I wasn't that stupid. So I turned back towards the door and found that it wasn't even completely shut. Was it just a thing to have easy access to Natalia's room? Okay no that's not the problem here.

When I walked in, I found her laid flat out on the carpet, empty beer cans on the bed and floor, her face red and seemingly tear stained.. "Jesus Christ.." I muttered as I shut the door behind me, examining the scene before me.. what the fuck was she doing? "We've only been gone for a few hours, dude, how are you hammered.." I asked more to myself than her but heard her grumble in response.

"Magic." She mumbled almost incoherently, grabbing onto the blanket on the bed in an attempt to pull herself up but instead just pulling the blanket down. I sighed audibly and walked over to her, offering her help but watching her shake her head and force herself to sit up before leaning limply against the bed.

"What's the matter with you?" I frowned as I sat on the arm of a seat across from her. She said nothing, just stared off into the distance and pursed her lips, her entire face still patchy red and eyes still irritated. "You're drunk and it's like, midday, somethings up.."

"I'm legal here." She slurred, her voice somewhat raspy. I guess that was true - but I doubt that was the only reason.

"How'd you end up on the floor?" I raised an eyebrow and saw her look up at me and then at the chair I was sat on.

"I was trying to get my phone." She rubbed her face with the sleeve of her way too big jumper and sniffled before looking up at me innocently. "Could- could you get it?" I realised she was referring to the bag in the seat of the chair. I could only imagine her sitting on the bed and trying to reach the chair from there.. bit of a dunce idea, if you ask me.

"Uh.. sure." I leaned over and grabbed the bag, seeing her zone out again out of the corner of my eye but carrying on - maybe I could find some hints of what was going on.

Before I found her phone, though, I found a pack of cigarettes - really? I tried to help her by saying no when she asked, but she goes and buys them anyway.. When I looked up at her I saw that she hadn't noticed my discovery; in fact, she was paying no attention to me and was focused more on the beer can she'd picked up from somewhere and was drinking the remainder of.

The cigarettes were half gone and I had to wonder when she bought them.. but instead of asking I just took them out of her bag and shoved them in my pocket. And no, not because I wanted them - they weren't even my preferred brand - I just wanted to be helpful. Shocker, I know.

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