Before You Read/Requesting

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I do not own Error, Ink, or Paper Jam. I only own the story.

Ink belongs to; comyet on Tumblr

Error belongs to; loverofpiggies on Tumblr

Paper Jam belongs to; 7goodangel on Tumblr

The conclusion has not yet been written for this story. You can decide what happens for each chapter or scenario. I will take suggestions after each chapter. Tell me what you want to see, like one-shot requests. (Except for Error x Ink things. Maybe awkward situations, but not beyond that.)

You can give me sentences like; "Feeding PJ." or "They take PJ on a walk. "

You could also give me slightly longer scenarios as long as I have room for my own creative thoughts. Like; "Ink comes home to find.... because...., ect, ect."

This is a side story and has nothing to do with my other Undertale story, Ink's Memories, that I am working on.

 I love feedback, so let me know what you think. Please read and enjoy!

Baby Paper Jam Mini-Series/OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now