How It All Started

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"You don't have to do this!" Ink cried, pulling out his paintbrush. "How can I show you that life should not be shattered?!"

"You can't!" Error yelled and shot glitched bones, aiming for Ink. Ink grunted and jumped back and away.

"I also can't let you keep hurting innocent lives!" Ink swung his brush, the paint creating a blinding light that sought the glitch's hiding place. Error cursed and shielded his eyes from the light.

"We are at in im-im-impasse. How about we en-end this h-here and now?" Error glitched, bringing up two black gaster blasters; giant floating snake skulls that could shoot laser beams from their mouths. Ink sighed. There didn't seem to be any other way. All he had to do was kill Error and just about all of his worries would be over. Yet, Ink hadn't taken a life in a very long time and didn't plan on ever doing so again. He pondered on the alternatives.

"I'm wait-waiting." Error sang impatiently. Ink sighed and decided to wing it.

"I agree. Let's do this thing."

* * * * * *

Ink coughed and struggled to his feet. This battle between himself and Error had not been going well. Ink had barely had time to transport them to a universe void of living beings before anyone got hurt and doing so had drained him of a lot of energy. He had teleported them into the Waterfall Caverns, lights winking above. His eyes darted about, searching for his enemy. Error was nowhere in sight.

"Th-That was some nas-nasty traveling," Error spoke from somewhere ahead. "I think it is ti-ti-time for me to stop stringing you along."

Ink saw a shadow coming towards him,fast. He quickly stumbled to the side, barely dodging strands of blue strings. A they retracted back, Ink heard the sound of a gaster blaster being charged. The laser struck the ground next to him and blasted rubble into the air, a rock hitting Ink's cheek.

"You better try harder than that. Those attacks aren't strong enough to chip paint," Ink taunted and summoned two of his own gaster blasters.

"Try-Try me." Error growled with a glare. He charged Ink, gasters at the ready. Ink charged as well, his gasters floating beside him. Error sent out his strings to prevent Ink from dodging. Ink swung his brush, slinging magical paint to ward off those pesky threads. Error blasted, causing Ink to do the same.

Time seemed to slow down as the four attacks collided. The energies imploded silently together, sucking all sound from the air. The two skeletons froze as something new appeared in the energies' place.

A white ball hovered peacefully in between them. Ink and Error looked at it in awe for a moment and both felt compelled to reached out and touch it. As their fingertips brushed the orb, the sound came rushing back.

The ball exploded.

The shock-wave of the blast shoved the enemies into opposite walls of the room.

When Ink came to, he ached all over and felt very lethargic. Error was nowhere to be seen. Concerned about an attack from the shadows, Ink went looking for his enemy. Still disoriented, he tripped and landed on something hard.

He groaned and his eyes widened in surprise. Underneath him was Error. The skeletal glitch had been unconscious, but Ink's clumsiness woke him. Ink froze, not knowing what to do. It took a moment before the glitch realized the situation and shoved the artistic skeleton off of him.

"E-Ew! What the h-heck?!" Error glitched out and scooted away.

"Urgh. Ow..." Ink groaned and sat up slowly, rubbing his head. He noticed a large crater a quarter of a mile away. He turned and glared fiercely at Error.

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